How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an ADHD Treatment

经过安妮温德米尔 病人倡导者

In my previous我谈到了如何通过使用的方式评估孩子的行为ABC record keeping system
In this post we will continue discussing ways to observe and record data for behaviors you wish to change. In order to enact change or treat a condition such as ADHD, you have to be able to look at the symptoms in an objective way. Record keeping will allow you to see patterns and trends which can give you some very important information to share with the doctors, therapists, teachers, or anyone who is working with your child.

这种数据可以有用的一种方法是决定特定治疗是否有效。治疗ADHD症状有两种主要方法,它们包括behavior management techniquesandADHD药物。Alternative methods for treating ADHD may include achange in diet
或使用A.sensory integration approach。您可以决定尝试一种治疗方法或多种方法的组合。


1. Recording the frequency of a behavior:您这样做的方式是首先定义要检查的行为。让我们说,您的孩子的老师刚刚开始行为计划来应对您的孩子的行为忘记了。她可以客观地定义这种行为,因为:在没有举手的情况下喊出答案,在说安静的时间内说话,以及其他人已经在说话时中断。为了评估行为程序是否有效,她可以选择时间段来标记您的孩子在谈论交叉行为中的频率。


你可以找到一个frequency/behavior count formfrom the Kansas Institute for Positive Behavioral support web site.

2. Recording the duration of a behavior:假设你有一个孩子已经崩溃or outbursts of crying and who needs time to regroup before regaining enough composure to resume an activity. In this case you may want to record how long the meltdown lasts from start to finish before the child is calm again. You will want to have this data before using any new treatments so that you have a baseline comparison of how long these meltdowns last without treatment. After implementing treatment (let's say your child is placed on a medication to help regulate mood) you will again record the duration of any meltdowns. Hopefully, if the particular treatment is effective, you will see a reduction in the amount of time these meltdowns last. If the duration of the outbursts remain the same over weeks and months or increases, then you know that you have to make a change in your child's treatment plan.

You may find aDuration Recording Formfrom特殊联系



There are many blank time sampling observation forms to be found on the Internet. Here is atime sampling record formfrom the Special Connections website. Depending on your situation you may just want to create your own form.

It may seem like a lot of trouble to record data like this but it can absolutely give you some very valuable information so that you are able to make wise decisions about your child's treatment. Collecting data can also encourage you to hang in there because you might see a gradual trend towards improvements in behavior that you might not otherwise notice.



These articles were written by a longtime HealthCentral community member who shared valuable insights from her experience living with multiple chronic health conditions. She used the pen name "Merely Me."