
byJames Thompson, M.D. Health Professional, Medical Reviewer

最近的一项研究provided evidence for an association between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and allergic diseases. I found the report very interesting because for years parents have asked me if their child's ADHD iscaused通过食物或环境过敏。我通过解释ADHD和过敏是有两个非常常见的机制和原因的普通实体来回答了数百次。我会继续说,两者都有自己的治疗方法,需要解决,但如果没有环境或食物过敏的迹象或症状,则没有表明对食物和环境触发的过敏测试。

这study I reviewed, which prompted this posting, did not change how I answer the above question. That said, the increasedassociationADHD和Allergy的更多想法在患有这些疾病中的任何一种的患者中,因为这两者都与诊断延迟有关,并且一些过敏药物可能使ADHD的治疗复杂化。

ADHD is a very common childhood disorder which may continue well into adulthood. The average age of onset is 7 and about 9 percent of American children between 13 and 18 years have ADHD. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused, paying attention, controlling behavior and over-activity. There are sub-types of ADHD which do不是包括多动(过度活动)。经过多年展示这种疾病的其他迹象,但由于儿童没有过度活跃,这些孩子经常被诊断出来。这ADHD的原因是不确定的但基因被认为to play a significant role. Scientists think a combination of genetic vulnerability and environmental factors (such as tobacco smoke exposure or lead or some food additives) may cause this disorder.

Food allergies have been reviewed many times over the years on this website. The most common food triggers in children are milk, egg, peanut, wheat, soybean, fin fish and shellfish. Food allergy reactions may include: itching of the mouth, throat or skin; hives or swelling of the tongue, throat, face or other parts of the body; cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating; flare-ups of eczema, or full blown anaphylaxis (the most severe of allergic reactions).

This British study evaluated 884 boys who had the diagnosis of ADHD and were on medication to treat it. Each case was matched to 4 other boys who had no history or treatment of ADHD.


What Does This Mean?

This study further supports a link between allergic disorders and ADHD although it does not provide evidence for the cause or mechanism of the relationship. Are children more likely to have ADHD because of their allergy genes, or is it the presence of ADHD in their genetic makeup that leads to more allergic problems? We really don't know at this point. The diagnosis or suspicion of ADHD alone does not mean allergy testing should be ordered. On the other hand, children who have ADHD and in addition, respiratory, skin or food allergy symptoms should be evaluated for allergy testing since the likelihood of positive results is higher.

Moderate-to-severe nasal allergies and asthma are often associated with sleep loss, daytime fatigue and lack of attention. ADHD can be much harder to manage in this setting. Furthermore the medications used to treat allergies may amplify the problem.


伪麻黄碱(PSE) is a popular nasal decongestant which may have side effects of tremor, agitation, irritability, increased heart rate, insomnia and palpitations. These potential adverse effects may worsen


What Can You Do?

Look out for signs or symptoms of allergy in your child if he/she has ADHD. Get your child evaluated for allergies if this is the case. Proper and careful management of their allergic problems may help them better respond to treatment of ADHD. Frequently review all medications including OTC drugs to look for risks of undesirable side effects or drug interactions. Continue to read postings on this site and HealthCentral'ssection on ADHD.



Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013;111:102-106.


Meet Our Writer
James Thompson, M.D.

Dr. Thompson completed medical school and specialty training in allergy and immunology at Washington University in Saint Louis. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology. He sees adults and children in Chicago and greater Chicago area. He is also certified in Integrative Nutrition Coaching. Dr. Thompson is dedicated to incorporating holistic nutrition concepts into the treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases in order to achieve better health and reduce the need for medications.