
by艾琳贝利 Health Writer


While the main symptoms of ADHD are the same: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, these symptoms often manifest differently in children and adults. The following are signs you might have adult ADHD:

你are一直在寻找一些东西。It might be your keys, your phone or important papers. It seems every day you spend anywhere from a few minutes to an hour of your time looking for items you misplaced.

你arechronically late。你have no "sense of time" and are chronically late for work, appointments, meeting your spouse for dinner or picking up the kids. No matter how many times you resolve to change, you end up being late...again.

你areforgetful。你forget to take out the trash, forget to pick up the dry cleaning, forget to meet a friend for lunch, forget to pick up the kids from school. It isn't that these things aren't important to you, they are, the thought simply left your brain when it was replaced by another thought. You end up disappointing other people on a consistent basis.

你feel restless.Hyperactivitystill appears in adults but it does so as a feeling of restlessness. You fidget a lot and always want to be moving, even if you aren't "running and jumping" around as children with ADHD frequently do. If you remember being extremely active and energetic as a child, hyperactivity could have settled into restlessness.

你haverelationship troubles, have been married several times or are divorced. According to some studies, there is a link between adult ADHD and divorce. Adults with ADHD rank their satisfaction with their relationship lower than those without ADHD. This is sometimes attributed to boredom when a relationship enters the long-term phase or when a non-ADHD partner has trouble dealing with ADHD symptoms.


你有一个child with ADHD。While the exact causes of ADHD aren't fully understood, it is considered hereditary. If you have a child with ADHD, the chances are high that either you or your spouse have ADHD.

你have had several jobs or are stillsearching for the "right" career path。One of the most common problems for adults with ADHD is employment. You have problems meeting deadlines, staying on track, being on time or become bored with the job. Adults with ADHD might frequently quit their job or be fired.

你interrupt others, jump into conversations at the wrong time or blurt out inappropriate comments during conversations. Impulsiveness is reacting without thinking and it remains a troublesome symptom in adults, often causing problems in relationships and interactions with others. Impulsiveness can also result in financial problems because ofimpulsive spending



"A Focus on Adults: Living with Chronic ADHD, 2013, April 2, Interview with Terry Matlen and Dr. Russell Barkley, NPR

"Pay Attention to Me," 2012, March, Kirsten Weir, American Psychological Association

"Diagnosis of ADHD in Adults (WWK9S), 2004, Staff Writer, National Resource Center on ADHD

Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.