
Feeling a little uncertain about how to respond when your best friend, your aunt, or a colleague at work tells you she's been diagnosed with breast cancer?

byPJ哈默尔 Patient Expert






What NOT to Say:

  • "Don't worry." Followed by "I've known lots of women who've survived breast cancer," or "It's probably not as bad as they say," or "You're going to be just fine."


    The emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis is so great that it takes weeks to gradually internalize it. In the meantime, your friend does nothing but worry - about everything. Don't make her feel bad by asking her to skip this natural first step on the way back to health.

  • “我能为你做些什么?”

    Any woman diagnosed with breast cancer is immediately presented with an overwhelming number of potentially life-and-death decisions. Lumpectomy or mastectomy? Chemo - yes or no? Reconstruction? Your offer to help, though wonderfully generous, feels to her like one more decision to be made.

    Rather than ask her what you can do, offer to make dinner next Wednesday night, and bring takeout pizza to the kids on Friday. Or let her know you'll take care of her kids if any of her doctors' appointments fall at awkward times. Tell her you'd be glad to come weed her garden Saturday. Trust me, it's much easier for her to say, "Oh, I'd LOVE that!" (Or "No thanks") than it is to try to think of what needs to be done.

  • "How do you think you'll feel about losing a breast?"

    As good a friend as you are, wait for her to bring up the emotional side of breast surgery. She may still be trying to decide between lumpectomy and mastectomy. So instead, ask her, "Have you made a decision about surgery?"


  • “我想知道你为什么得了癌症?你看起来很健康。”

    Yeah, she's probably wondering the exact same thing! And worrying that she did something wrong along the way" Was it waiting too long to have her first child? The wild life she led in college? Birth control pills?


  • “你打算辞职吗?”




What's the BEST Thing to Say to Your Friend or Family Member Who's Just Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?

  • "Say anything you like to me. I won't be shocked, offended, or hold it against you - ever."

    As women, we always worry about how our actions and words will affect others. We want to be a good friend: strong, generous, even-keeled, empathetic.

    But as newly diagnosed survivors, we find ourselves feeling anything but calm. We want to kick and scream, cry, curse, and lash out at" something. Or someone It's very hard to keep those emotions in check 24/7; nor should we. Offloading negative emotions is a healing process.


  • "How about dinner and a movie?"

    Newly diagnosed survivors want nothing more than a return to normalcy. A couple of hours of distraction - laughs and gossip with a girlfriend - are probably just what the doctor ordered.

  • "Would you like me to come to any of your appointments with you? I'm really good at listening and taking notes."


    Having a friend sitting next to you as the doctor fast-forwards through the next 6 months of your life is incredibly helpful. Take notes, or ask the doctor if s/he minds being tape-recorded. Ask clarifying questions; if you, the calm, collected one, don't understand something, it's doubtful your terrified friend does. Later, you can go over the notes together, and demystify her treatment.

  • "Want to do some research? I know of a great breast cancer site"



奖金:这并不适用于每个人,但如果你的朋友s religious or spiritual, touch on that. Tell her you'll pray for her; you're sending her good karma, or that you'll do some Reiki with her. Treat her to a therapeutic massage. Join her on the spiritual part of her cancer journey, if you're able. Healing the soul is just as important as healing the body.

最后,如果上面的话似乎都不适合你们的关系(或环境),a hug is always welcome.或者挤肩膀。哪怕只是轻轻拍一下胳膊。从字面上说,人类的触摸是非常有治愈力的。

Meet Our Writer

PJ哈默尔is senior digital content editor and food writer at King Arthur Flour, and a James Beard award-winning author. A 16-year breast cancer survivor, her passion is helping women through this devastating disease. She manages a large and active online survivor support network based at her local hospital and shares her wisdom and experience with the greater community viaHealthCentral.com.