Q&A与Jamie Robinson:CBD用于疼痛管理

经过Celeste Cooper,rn 健康专业人士



Health Central (HC): What motivated you to get involved with CBD oil to help our veterans and K-9’s?


HD: Why CBD?

杰米:由于CBD已被证明在某些患有神经退行性疾病的某些人中减少震颤以及在某些癫痫病例中减少癫痫发作,我决定了解更多关于这种全天然化合物的内容。在我对该研究的审查中,我发现了CBD与PTSD的退伍军人积极成果之间的联系。而且有evidence cannabis can help neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders,我想知道它是否可能有助于像姐姐这样的人。

HC:美国退伍军人事务部(VA)报告s that a review of 13,000 publications on cannabis found 75 studies relating to pain or potential harms. One study funded by the VA concluded there is insufficient evidence to assess the effects of marijuana on PTSD and another study, also funded by the VA, concluded there is limited evidence to suggest cannabis may alleviate neuropathic pain in some patients, and there is insufficient evidence regarding other types of chronic pain. Does this affect your efforts to make CBD available for veterans?

杰米:我认为这里有重要的是 - 有一个大麻和大麻之间的区别。大麻含有很少的THC和高量的CBD。我审查的研究强烈支持CBD的健康益处。有关于Echoconnection.org在echoconnection.org使用CBD的信息。它们提供了关于CBD和大麻素的治疗效果的综合方法,它们在安全环境中提供支持。

HC: According to MedicalMarijuana.com, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkinays says there is evidence medical marijuana (MMJ) could help certain veterans, but federal law needs to change to make it accessible. Are there caregivers at Veterans Affairs who are willing to help?

杰米:Yes, some believe in the health benefits of CBD as I do. In his detailed presentation, Dr. Philip Blair discusses the endocannabinoid system insufficiencies noted in PTSD. He tells us that recent trials with Elixinol hemp CBD Liposomes have shown dramatic symptom relief in veterans with chronic PTSD.

HC: Are you hopeful that the VA will embrace CBD as a viable treatment option for veterans and military K9s?



杰米:是的,我的朋友,凯瑟琳可能,刚刚参观了威斯康星州的政府代表,关于合法化和获取大麻。And, U.S. Army veteran Matt Kahl, Executive Director for Veterans Natural Rights, the Weed for Warriors Project, and Grow for Vets USAare among those fighting to raise awareness, de-stigmatize cannabis, and enact regulatory changes that can positively affect the lives of our veterans.

Celeste Cooper,rn

Celeste Cooper,R.N.,是一个专注于慢性疼痛和纤维肌痛的自由作家。她是纤维肌痛,慢性疲劳综合征和肌筋疼痛和破碎的身体,受伤的精神的综合作者:平衡慢性疼痛书系列的跷跷板。她喜欢她的家人,写作和倡导,摄影和自然。通过Twitter与Celeste连接@painedinkslayer。