Combating Psoriatic Arthritis Flares With Food

by朱莉·克罗尼布克尼克 Patient Advocate

Each one of我们拥有我们自己的技巧,可以通过银屑病关节炎火光。我们可能会有我们的进热垫和冰袋,我们的软膏或摩擦我们用于炎症,以及我们可以绘制的其他工具和提示。

But are you also thinking about your food choices during these times? Is food one of your top “tricks” for helping to ease your discomfort?

If not, maybe it should be.

What foods should we avoid during flares?

I don’t believe there is one diet that fits all. Any chronic condition, like psoriatic disease, can affect two people very differently. Therefore, it’s hard to give an exact list of the foods that will help everyone fight off a flare. However, during these times, there are some general foods or food groups which tend to be better for you and foods we should all avoid for overall health.

As a guideline, you may want to consider avoiding:

We should do our best to avoid these foods regularly, but especially when we’re in a flare. Why? Because we need to help cut down the overall inflammation in our bodies. The best thing we can do for this is to create an environment where our immune system can calm down. Until science gives us the magic key to accomplishing that feat, we can help support our bodies by giving them the fuel they need to thrive.

消化从我们的身体中取得了很多能量。通过选择优化的食物,我们将负载从消化系统上拿走,并为我们的身体释放能量在其他地方使用 - 就像战斗耀斑一样!

What are some go-to foods?

Omega-3s are natural anti-inflammatories. They are our friends, especially in a flare! Foods like chia seeds, flax seed, wild-caught salmon (from the Pacific is great), and walnuts are healthy options when adding omega-3s into our diet. By incorporating these foods into our daily routines, we can promote a more anti-inflammatory environment in our body. When we’re flaring, it’s exceptionally important to focus on these types of foods.

  • Fresh fruits and veggies


Low on energy? Turn to fruit! Many people shy away from fruit because of the high sugar content, but these sugar and carbs are beneficial for our body. Our body is so efficient at digesting and using these carbs, they’re a great go-to. Oranges, bananas, wild blueberries — eat all the fruits!

  • 容易消化的食物

Cooking our food changes the nutrient content, so the best way to get the nutrients you need are to eat a mix of raw and cooked vegetables. But, with autoimmune conditions, many times our digestive systems aren’t working efficiently enough to deal with all raw foods. That’s where smoothies, juicing, steaming, roasting, and sautéing your food can come in handy. Whatever you decide, just load up on your fruits and veggies because this is exactly what your body wants and needs during a flare!


  • 提前计划!Whenever you make a nutritious meal, make extra and freeze a few portions so you have them on hand. That way when you’re not feeling well, you can just warm the meal and eat!

  • Make a quick smoothie. Grab some fruit, coconut water, and chia seeds. If you want to balance out the smoothie with veggies, add some greens or celery. Coconut water replenishes your electrolytes, chia seeds fight inflammation, and raw fruits and vegetables flood your body with awesome nutrients. Keep in mind to add fruit smoothies to your diet in moderation, to avoid overloading on natural sugars or high carbs.

The most important fact to remember during a flare is that you’ll get through it! Look at your track record: you’ve made it through 100 percent of the challenges you’ve encountered so far in life. This one will be no different! Honor yourself, make the best choices you can, and allow your body to rest.

Meet Our Writer

Julie Cerrone Croner是一位经过认证的整体健康教练,患者Empower,瑜伽教练,自身免疫战士和屡获殊荣的博客,它只是一个糟糕的一天,而不是一个糟糕的生活。当她没有赋予慢性神奇的患者以慢性发挥最佳生活时,她可以被发现与席琳迪翁,烹饪,烹饪,尊重与健康有关的东西或享受匹兹堡的生活,与她的丈夫和女儿。