Convincing incontinent elder to wear protection a challenge

byCarol Bradley Bursack Caregiver

Our parents changedour diapers when we were babies. As we grew into toddlers we were "potty trained," and from that time on we were expected to control our bodily functions. Is it any wonder that elders who have been rendered incontinent by a medical problem or disease often deny their incontinence and refuse, even in the face of evidence, to wear protection? They equate incontinence protection with diapers and diapers with babies. They feel humiliated.

Wouldn't they feel more humiliated smelling of urine or feces, you ask? Logically, yes. However, I hear frequently from readers that their parents will not wear protection, or will only wear it when they go out of the house. Their home, their clothing - everything around them stinks. The adult children nag, rant and push their elder to wear protection. What's the big deal? No one will know. But the parent resists or refuses.

The first thing I mention when adult children write in about this problem is that they take a look at how they present the issue to their parents. If they use the word diaper - and yes, some people do - they need a time out in the corner. The elder often interprets the use of the word as meaning that incontinence is a big step in the downward spiral that will turn him or her into a large, helpless baby. "Brief," or some related word is easier on the elder's ego.

Help preserve dignity

I'm not implying that by changing your words you'll magically make your elders agree to wear incontinence protection. However, I am saying that how we present some of the issues that need addressing can make a difference.


Parents are parents. The idea that a child of theirs is telling them to do任何事物angers some elders. Yet, something needs to be done, right? So, often I suggest that the adult children notify their parent's doctor and ask the doctor to make the point that it's more dignified to use incontinence protection than to leak urine onto clothing and smell bad. If the doctor can't help, then maybe a good friend of the parent can. Does Dad have a friend who became incontinent after cancer surgery? This friend may be able to casually bring up the subject and mention his own issues. Dadmaylisten and think that if "Herb" doesn't mind it so much, maybe he can wear protection, too. The same is true, of course, for women, who have a higher risk of incontinence if they've been pregnant.


沮丧from suffering the losses associated with aging可能会在您的老年人的固执上使用正确的保护。一个抑郁症的迹象往往是缺乏卫生。如果您怀疑在亲人的人中,请访问医生。一旦人们对自己感觉更好,照顾他们的身体一般都成为自然过程。


Everyone wins if this works. Alas, I can't guarantee any of your attempts will end with success. If your parent has dementia, he or she may just not understand what all the fuss is about, or even understand what is happening when he voids. Even professionals in nursing homes wrestle with this issue. At least you know you aren't alone.

For more information about Carol visitwww.mindingourelders.com要么www.mindingoureldersblogs.com_.


Meet Our Writer
Carol Bradley Bursack

Carol Bradley Bursack is a veteran family caregiver who spent more than two decades caring for a total of seven elders. This experience provided her with her foundation upon which she built her reputation as a columnist, author, blogger, and consultant. Carol is as passionate about supporting caregivers work through the diverse challenges in their often confusing role as she is about preserving the dignity of the person needing care. Find out much more about Carol at