

bySarah Ellis Health Writer

Humans have longbeen captivated by the interpretation of dreams. In Greek mythology a whole family of gods ruled over sleep. And, philosophers as far back as Aristotle wrote in depth about what our dreams could mean. Now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has upheaved the world in a matter of weeks, lots of people are having more vivid dreams than usual. Do a quick Twitter search for “weird dreams” and you’ll find a treasure trove of dream recollections, ranging from the literal to the abstract. There’s even an account called @IDreamofCOVID19 dedicated to retweeting the most interesting ones.

If you’ve been dreaming lately about illness, natural disasters, financial crises, or social isolation, you’re not alone. You just might be one of the millions having coronavirus-related anxiety dreams, according to Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., a dream researcher and psychologist who teaches at Harvard Medical School. A new survey-based study inFrontiers of Psychologyreported a 26% increase in nightmares since the beginning of the pandemic. Here’s what it all means.

Why You Dream

当你睡觉时,你的大脑循环通过多个年代tages of brain activity. The first three stages of sleep are called non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep, and they progress from light sleep (Stage 1) to deeper sleep (Stage 3) as your body relaxes. In the final stage you experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which occurs when your thalamus (the part of the brain that relays sensory information) kicks into high gear. This is when most of your dreaming occurs. You typically spend about two hours dreaming each night, even if you don’t remember those dreams in the morning.


Interpreting Vivid Dreams

梦想并不总是代表现实(如此,如果您一直在有一个关于让您的房子的梦想着火,那就不要担心。但是你的梦想可以告诉你很多关于你潜意识发生的事情,你的大脑的一部分你不会立即意识到。“在我们的梦中最有可能出现的事情是大生命事件,”Barrett解释说,特别是“如果他们是重要的,或者任何令人难以置信的重复。”思考:Sheltering in place. Social distancing. Face mask wearing. Repeat.

Barrett于2020年3月开始收集调查响应(她还在收集它们),了解人们的梦想是如何反映我们世界的当前状态。“对于公众,梦想比平均水平要焦虑得多,”她说。其中一些梦想是字面 - 例如,也许你梦想家庭成员有COVID-19–but some are more imaginative. “One woman noticed that she had blue stripes on her stomach,” Barrett says. “And in the dream, she remembered that that was the first sign of COVID-19.” Her brain was taking a bit of creative license, but the overall premise was based in reality.

得到这个:如果您经历了改变生活的医学诊断,您可能会在您目前的大流行梦想和与您的状况相关的梦想之间看到一些相似之处。67,来自Chippewa Falls,威斯康星州的Linda Halvorson告诉HealthCentral,她最近梦想着跑步和躲藏 - 没有轮椅,她现在为她的多发性硬化而使用。“我认为这是所有这一切的压力,”她说。


Changing the Narrative


  • Start a sleep journal.“I encourage people to record their dreams and do a little informal dream interpretation,” Barrett says. You may notice some recurring themes, which could indicate a problem you’re working through in real life. For clues and insight, answer these questions, says Barrett: “What else in your history is this interacting with? What aspect of the pandemic is most stressful for you?”

  • 想象你想梦想的内容。你不能对你的梦想做出贡献的任务,但你可以影响你的思想。在你睡着之前“告诉自己”,我想今晚梦想这样的东西,“巴雷特说。它可能是一个关于特定人物,最喜欢的地方或记忆的梦想,或者反复出现的积极梦想。“睡着是一种愉快的方式,但也倾向于引起你的梦想的注意力,”巴雷特解释道。“这通常会影响你对更积极的梦想。”

  • Practice optimism.下次你有一个紧张的一天,担心有一个噩梦,将你的能量集中在积极的东西上。冠状病毒大流行病可能正在侵犯我们的醒来生活,但它也不必毁了我们的梦想。尝试使用像标题或平静的冥想应用程序在睡觉前向下风。通过练习,您可以安静主意,并希望享受更宁静的睡眠之夜。

Meet Our Writer
Sarah Ellis

Sarah Ellis is a wellness and culture writer who covers everything from contraceptive access to chronic health conditions to fitness trends. She is originally from Nashville, Tennessee and currently resides in NYC. She has written for Elite Daily, Greatist, mindbodygreen and others. When she’s not writing, Sarah loves distance running, vegan food, and getting the most out of her library card.