
经过艾米亨德尔,P.A. 卫生师

格里格塞戈尔, photographer,developed a strong interest in food after working on七天的垃圾, a 2015 photography project that highlighted the kind of refuse generated, as a typical family shops for and eats seven days of food. Overconsumption and almost unbelieveable amounts of “garbage” were evident in Gregg's pictures. He hoped his photos of unused food and the refuse from a week’s diet would highlight the environmental impact of the choices we make, and inspire first change. That project helped to fuel interest in tackling food’s link to kids' health.

2017年的Kickstarter项目,加上时间和地理杂志的重要支持,帮助获得格雷格的下一个项目,每日面包, 离地。这个想法是看文化影响,对孩子的生命中的一个值得饮食。家庭保持精确的食物日记,他们的孩子吃了一周的东西,然后格雷格的造型师团队重现了七天的七天的食物,围绕着孩子的真正照片揭示了时刻。


Here is an edited version of our conversation about his work.

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“Food is fundamental to life and it also determines to a large part if we are healthy or not. The norm is no longer home-cooked meals but rather a diet filled with highly processed foods. Those foods tend to be high in refined carbs, sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats. This type of diet is (largely) contributing to childhood obesity. A generation ago, one in 40 kids was obese. Now it’s 10 out of 40. We largely form our eating habits and preferences when we’re young.”

他认为,恰恰是一周的一周的食物,然后用食物包围的孩子创造一个肖像可能会给父母暂停,帮助他们重新考虑购物和喂养做法。看到A.年轻的孩子超重, surrounded by the food she eats each week might help connect the dots to the food habits modeled by parents. Parents of those children not overweight still can take stock of how much processed food they are feeding their kids and how few fruits and vegetables are in week’s meals. Gregg feels it makes the problem less hopeless because you can begin to see solutions.






24 John Eduard Hinzze Hamburg 119873

How were the kids in the pictures chosen, and what did most families take away from the experience?

“I hired producers to find kids in different geographic locations. The producers sent background information on the families to me, and I selected kids who represented a variety of eating habits. The families were instructed to keep precise food journals covering seven days of eating. I had stylists gather the exact foods and amounts and present them in arrangements on fabrics that we purchased locally which reflected the region’s cultural influences. The photo was taken with the child strategically placed amidst the foods.”



“有些父母,我认为,他们的孩子在一周内吃了什么。我试图鼓励父母采取个人方法可以为他们工作 - 但要考虑作为一个家庭体验。看到照片的孩子和父母也可以带走每日面包挑战and keep a diary for seven days, keeping a precise record of what they ate during the week.”


34 Soulay Nice 120902


“你可以想象,this is a very costly endeavor. I’m currently raising more funds to continue the project so I can take photographs in new locations around the world. I’m also contemplating a book and possibly an advertising awareness campaign.”

Gregg noted that pictures work especially well in the world of advertising, so why not try and push people to face their food habits and “see” what they choose to feed their kids, through a full-fledged campaign? Stay tuned. Gregg Segal is not done yet.


Known as "The HealthGal", Amy Hendel P.A. is a medical and lifestyle reporter, nutrition and fitness expert, health coach and brand ambassador. Trained as a physician assistant, she maintains a health coach private practice in New York and Los Angeles. Author of The Four Habits of Healthy Families, find her on Twitter @Healthgal1103 and on Facebook @TheHealthGal. Check “Daily Health News” at healthgal.com. Her personal mantra? “Fix it first with food, fitness, and lifestyle.”