
经过Eli Hendel,M.D. 医疗审阅者

第一个系列discussed how肺癌发生,危险因素和筛查以识别易感个体。如果在肺中发现肿瘤或结核,那么呢?

Typically a person presents with a past history or symptoms that warrant investigation with a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray is read as “abnormal” by the radiologist, who then usually states that a mass cannot be ruled out.

第一步是计算机断层扫描(CT)can of the chest. The purpose of the CT scan is to:

  • 确认这确实这是一个坚实的质量,而不是气道或肺炎的融合。

  • 衡量质量是多大的,识别其特征:平滑边界,不规则,推测等。其中一些特征将增加这是恶性肿块的可能性。

  • 评估是否存在这种质量的延伸,仅仅是肺部的一个叶片,或者如果肺部外部延伸。

  • 评估是否存在淋巴结显示出来。这将对癌症的扩散或转移产生影响。

所有实用目的肺癌are divided into two groups. One group is小细胞癌。所有其他肺癌类型都被共同称为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)




  • 弥撒的大小(t),T1小于3厘米,T2大于3厘米。

  • 淋巴结参与(N). Lymph nodes are connected to lymphatic channels and cancer involvement, when seen in the lymph nodes, implies that cancer cells have the leewayto spread to distant sites in the body (metastasis). This part of the classification system takes into account if the lymph nodes involved are within the lungs (hilar), or located in the chest wall between the lungs (mediastinal), or if the involved lymph nodes are outside the chest in areas like the neck or axillae (armpit).

  • 转移(M) which identifies whether the cancer has been contained within the same lung (M0) or spread to areas outside the lungs (M1)


这next step is Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan). A radioactive glucose “tracer” that allows visualization on scan is injected and then a special scan is done to determine the sites of the body that use the glucose in excess of neighboring areas. This excess metabolic activity (measured in SUV units) implies cancer activity and helps to identify if there is spread of the cancer cells.




一种支气管镜(fiber-optic tube) is inserted through the nose and through the airways of the lungs. When the location of the tumor is reached (determined by a real time x-ray called fluoroscopy), a forceps wire is inserted through the bronchoscope and a piece of tissue (biopsy) is obtained.


When the lesion is at the edge of the lung (where the bronchoscope will not reach), a needle is passed through the outer chest wall to obtain the biopsy, with the help of a CT scan. This is called a Percutaneous Needle Biopsy (PNB).

Video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS): In difficult cases, a last resort effort by a thoracic surgeon (requires general anesthesia) introduces a small video camera into the patient’s chest via a scope.


Eli Hendel,M.D.

Eli Hendel,M.D.,是一个董事会认证的内科/肺部专家,睡眠医学中的董事会认证。他的地区南加州医学院南加州医学院助理临床医学教授,以及加州工业关系部的合格体检医学院,包括哮喘,COPD,睡眠障碍,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和职业肺病。癖好?玩爵士音乐。