Diet Not Working? Paying Attention to Genetics Might Help

byAmy Hendel, P.A. Health Writer

September isNational Childhood Obesity Month这是一个反思你作为成年人和/或父母如何实现自己减肥目标的好时机。Childhood obesity is more likely to occur in households that have one or both parents battling weight issues. In the past I reviewed "The 9 Best 2016 Diets," but as the saying goes, “the best diet is the one that actually works for you.” A recent Baylor University study suggests that many of us adopt wrong strategies, with deprivation setting us up for failure. A new study suggests that a diet’s impact depends largely on the genetics of the person following that diet.


Dieting response is individualized. A weight-loss diet heavy on meat protein and very low in grains that works for one person might yield poor results for another.

When the term最佳饮食is used, it should mean that the diet has the backing of research, testing large groups of individuals who largely experience similar benefits in terms of weight loss or improved health. The Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet both seem to fit the best diet criteria, but it’s conceivable that these diets may not yield the same results for everyone. Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2016 Dietary Guidelines, though based on average response and the recommendations of a number of experts, may not be applicable to everyone.

Genetic Diversity: Not everyone gains or loses weight the same wayA 2011study floated the notion of using genetics to guide food choices. The study suggested that if we could figure out how our genes respond to food, we could figure out the choices that either optimize or impair cellular responses.

Researchers often use mice in studies involving food and weight, because these animals have similar susceptibilities to obesity and metabolic dysfunction. They also have genetic diversity, as do humans.

In the 2011 study, researchers used four mice strains. All the mice in each strain shared the same genetics, which would represent the genetics of one human type. Over a six-month period, mice from each strain werefed one of four unique diets:Western, traditional Japanese, a high fat/low carb Atkin’s-type diet and standard mouse chow (the control group). There were no limits on portion sizes, but the researchers did track the amount of food consumed.




Overall, the ketogenic diet seemed to increase calorie burn in most of the mice strains, but some mice were driven to overeat tremendous quantities of food, so despite the metabolic edge, they still developed obesity. The researchers believe the same findings would be found in human counterparts.

One optimal diet may not fit all

作为一名营养师,我使用最前沿的信息来提出饮食建议。这些建议有时需要修改,因为尽管有支持性的科学研究,饮食并不能达到预期的减肥或健康目标。最近的其他研究也表明,接受个性化的营养建议可以帮助人们做出更健康的食物选择。研究人员认为,他们的研究结果表明,需要根据基因为个体,尤其是那些面临体重和健康问题的个体,确定精确、个性化的营养。他们希望进一步的研究能够确定基因测试,从而确定最佳的饮食习惯和饮食习惯the best dietfor individual needs.

Current best dietary outline

Current science supports limiting added sugars, consuming several servings of fruits and vegetables daily, limiting meat protein in favor of fish, eggs and plant-based protein, choosing heart healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and avocadoes, consuming mostly whole grains, including servings of low fat or fat free dairy products and drinking sufficient water each day (not sodas or sweetened juices).

Amy Hendel, also known as The HealthGal, is a Physician Assistant, nutritionist and fitness expert.As a health media personality, she's been reporting and blogging on lifestyle issues and health news for over 20 years. Author of The 4 Habits of Healthy Families, her website offers daily health reports, links to her blogs, and a library of lifestyle video segments.

Meet Our Writer
Amy Hendel, P.A.

艾米·亨德尔(Amy Hendel P.A.)被称为“健康女孩”,是一名医学和生活方式记者、营养和健身专家、健康教练和品牌大使。作为一名医生助理,她在纽约和洛杉矶维持着一家健康教练私人诊所。《健康家庭的四个习惯》一书的作者,可以在Twitter@Healthgal1103和Facebook@TheHealthGal上找到她。查看healthgal的“每日健康新闻”。通用域名格式。她的个人咒语?“首先通过食物、健身和生活方式来解决。”