Do Stimulants Stunt Growth?

经过特里Matlen. 患者专家


然而,在2007年8月颁发的美国儿童学院和青少年精神病学刊的问题詹姆斯·斯旺森,普尔·斯旺斯,普林,欧文,欧文报告说,在三年后,在ADHD毒品中,孩子们比同龄人更短,比同龄人更短4.4磅。学习(1999年)的孩子们当时的年龄为7至9岁,遵循三年;然而,10年的结果跟进 - 当孩子们达到成人高度时 - 不会再有两年。因此,尚不清楚的是生长损失是永久性的。

与早期的研究不同这表明儿童有增长的刺激,弥补早前的速度,这项研究不支持这一点。另外,它被认为是adhd在其自身发育不良的孩子的增长,但是这项研究发现,与刺激药物的adhd的孩子实际上比没有adhd的孩子更大,而且他们 - 似乎没有治疗的人比服用兴奋剂的速度快。

根据Swanson博士的说法,children who had been taking stimulants before this particular study, were smaller than those who had not yet started stimulant treatment. Those who first began treatment at the start of the study were of normal size and weight, but compared to others, their growth rate slowed down as the study went on.


应该指出的是在这项研究中,只有the immediate releaseform of Ritalin was used.

In 2006,奥马尔Khwaia,医学博士,博士,神经病学家的孩子's Hospital in Boston, analyzed studies of various ADHD medications and found evidence of growth suppression. His findings were similar to Dr. Swanson's.

Again, since the studies是短期的,仍然未知儿童是否恢复高度的损失,同时采取短暂的rialinin。


In this case,Dr. Findling and colleagues conducted a long-term, open-label safety analysis of the methylphenidate (MPH) transdermal system, a polymeric patch (Daytrana) that provides continuous release of the drug. The patch was used in children with ADHD aged 6 to 12 years and previously treated with the patch, or MPH extended release (ER) tablets, or placebo in a previous trials.

The children already receivingoptimized doses of Daytrana continued on that dose for one year; those who were not receiving optimized doses increased their dosage for four weeks until they reached an optimal dose and were followed for 11 months afterward.


(0.4 pounds) for BMI.

Dr. Swanson noted,"Although there were fluctuations in growth parameters with the MPH patch, they appeared to be minimal deficits at the end of 12 months."

再次,重要的是要注意虽然这两项研究表明不同的结果 - 一种使用短作用甲基酚的结果;另一种长效的甲基酚贴剂,需要长期进行更多的研究,以评估对ADHD治疗的儿童的最终增长结果。

消息来源:斯旺森,准。2007年8月美国儿童和青少年精神病学刊;第46卷:PP 1014-1026。


