
去“弱者膝盖“ - 在你膝盖上放在它们上时,让你的膝盖 - 是膝盖不稳定的迹象。膝盖屈曲增加了你跌倒的风险,并且在患有关节炎或膝关节疼痛的人中特别常见。但是你不必有关节炎,让膝盖带来。





To measure the little-studied consequences of knee buckling, researchers asked 1,842 people, ages 55 to 84, who either had, or were at high risk for, knee osteoarthritis if they recalled an episode of knee buckling any time within the past three months. Nearly 17 percent of the participants recalled their knees buckling, and 20 percent of those participants reported they fell as a result.


主要研究人员的担忧是全国矿工工会ber of people—69 percent—who told them that, after they fell, they lost confidence in their balance and gained a fear of falling—so much so that they compensated by limiting their daily activities. But curtailing activity to avoid falling isn’t a good solution: It will most certainly lead to a downward health spiral.

“避免身体活动可能导致肌肉力量和一般整体身体状况进一步下降,使您处于更大的堕落风险,”John A.Flynn,M.ed.,M.ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,M.Ed.,Spondylithitis Center的医学主任,在Johns Hopkins的医学主任巴尔的摩大学医学院。“这种层面最终将导致流动性和功能丧失,并且可能具有抑郁,焦虑,依赖和社会隔离形式的心理影响。”




“Don’t wait for your doctor to ask about these symptoms,” Flynn says. “Since pain is the most common knee-arthritis symptom, other symptoms like buckling can sometimes be overlooked. Ask your doctor about options that can help you stay active and reduce your fall risk. In addition to recommending exercise, he or she may suggest losing excess weight that could be putting strain on your knees; upgrading your footwear to shoes or slippers with low heels and thin, slip-resistant soles; and using a walking aid such as a cane.”

Exercise to get you steady on your feet

Ask your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist who can develop an exercise program for you. A typical exercise program should include:


• Aerobic exercisethat’s easy on the joints, such as swimming, walking, and bicycling,


• Balance and agility exercisesto reduce your risk of falling.

(Originally published Aug. 25, 2016; updated Feb. 24, 2017)


healthawter50.was published by the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, providing up-to-date, evidence-based research and expert advice on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of health conditions affecting adults in middle age and beyond. It was previously part of Remedy Health Media's network of digital and print publications, which also include HealthCentral; HIV/AIDS resources The Body and The Body Pro; the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter; and the Berkeley Wellness website. All content from HA50 merged into Healthcentral.com in 2018.