
byLisa Emrich Patient Advocate

Living with a慢性病要求您,患者,患者成为管理自己健康的专家。多发性硬化是一种疾病,也要求您学习大量信息,以便能够更好地为自己倡导。

As you know, multiple sclerosis is a disease which affects the central nervous system - the mission control center of the brain and the high-speed telecommunication fibers bundled through the spine - which in turn can impact practically any area of the body. Not only does MS affect nerves throughout the body, treatments for MS impact quality of life and may influence major life decisions.

MS is most often diagnosed in younger adults during childbearing years between the ages of 20 and 40. I was officially diagnosed at the age of 37 after experiencing blinding optic neuritis at age 31. Parenthood was not on my radar screen when I was diagnosed, but it’s good to know that MS does not affect fertility or the ability to raise a child.


Some of the newer medications are contraindicated with pregnancy, including drugs that must be stopped for a period of time before a patient attempts to become pregnant, such as Aubagio, Gilenya, or Mavenclad. However, approximately half of all pregnancies are unintended, whether mistimed, unplanned, or unwanted, according to the CDC. So it is important to do some planning in advance to prepare yourself for the unexpected.


Neurologists have much area to cover in a brief period of time during appointments. Family planning and reproduction are topics that likely do not rank in thetop ten things to discuss with your MS doctor.

My neurologist may have asked once, ten years ago, whether starting a family was something I needed to discuss. Currently, my rheumatologist asks during each appointment whether my husband and I plan to have children and whether we are using consistent birth control as one of my medications is known to cause birth defects and miscarriages. It doesn’t matter that I’m almost 47 years old, my doctor still asks.

In addition to discussing symptoms and disability, please talk to your doctor about issues related to sexual activity, pregnancy, medication use, contraception, and family planning. Listed below are medications, commonly used with MS patients, which have been categorized as carrying some level of risk to an unborn fetus. Research other medications on websites such as drugs.com.

If the topic of pregnancy, family planning, and MS medications is one which concerns you, please take time during your next doctor’s visit to discuss these concerns. If you do become pregnant while taking one of these medications, you can contact patient pregnancy registry programs to report drug exposure.


  • 怀孕类别B类药物,如Copaxone和Glatopa,是“动物研究没有对胎儿造成伤害的证据;然而,在孕妇或动物研究中没有足够的研究,这些妇女或动物研究表明了不良影响,但在孕妇的充分研究未能表现出胎儿的风险。“

  • Pregnancy Category C drugs, such as Avonex, Rebif, Plegridy, Betaseron, Extavia, Tysabri, Lemtrada, Gilenya, Tecfidera, are medications for which “animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.”

  • Women of childbearing potential who take Gilenya should be encouraged to use adequate methods of contraception during and for at least two months after stopping therapy. Thyroid disease poses special risks in women who are pregnant and taking Lemtrada.

  • 其他经常使用的药物治疗MS症状,例如Ampyra,Neurontin,Wellbutrin,Baclofen和Nuvigil也被列为妊娠C类药物。

  • 怀孕类别D药物,如Novantrone,是“动物数据揭示了胎毒性证据(胎儿肾脏的低胎儿的胎儿肾脏)和过早递送的药物。没有来自受控人妊娠研究的数据。在怀孕期间使用尿催化剂被认为是禁忌的。即使他们使用的是出生控制,患有多发性硬化的女性在接受每剂量含有毒素的尿催化剂之前,也应该具有妊娠试验(并且应该知道结果)。

  • 常用的苯二氮卓类,如安定或alprazolam, are listed as Pregnancy Category D medications.

  • Pregnancy Category X drugs, such as Aubagio, are medications for which “use of adequate methods of contraception by both females and males is recommended during and for two years after stopping treatment.”

  • Mavenclad is also contradicted in women who are pregnant and in women and men of reproductive potential who do not plan to use effective contraception. Women should be tested for pregnancy before starting Mavenclad. Effective birth control should be used during treatment and for six months following each treatment course before pregnancy may be considered for men or women. Stop treatment immediately if pregnancy is discovered.

Meet Our Writer
Lisa Emrich

Lisa Emrich患有多发性硬化症和类风湿性关节炎,是一个屡获殊荣的,热情的患者倡导者,卫生作家,古典音乐家和返回骑自行车的人。她的故事激励其他人生活得更好并保持活跃。丽莎是博客黄铜和象牙的作者:与MS和Ra的生活和Ra和创始人的MS博主的创始人。LISA经常与组织合作,支持更好的政策,以患者为中心的研究和研究资金。丽莎在HealthCentral的健康倡导者咨询委员会提供服务,并且是MshealthCentral Facebook页面的社会大使。