Older Adults Can Have Eating Disorders Too
Picture someone with一种饮食障碍,你可能会想到一个饥饿的十几岁的女孩,挨饿,吹嘘,以避免增加体重。
The symptoms and health consequences of eating disorders in older adults are similar to those in younger people. However, older adults are more likely to have coexisting medical illnesses or cognitive problems that could mask or exacerbate the eating disorder or complicate treatment.
For example, an older person might frequently experience dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), and therefore might limit how much or how often they eat.
Types of disorders
神经性厌食症。厌食症患者严重限制一下t the amount of food they eat, and as a result, they weigh substantially less than what is “normal.”
To determine a person’s normal weight, doctors calculate the body mass index (BMI), which is based on weight and height. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 indicates a healthy weight. The BMI of a person with anorexia nervosa could range from approximately 17 (mild anorexia nervosa) to less than 15 (extreme anorexia nervosa).
But simply being underweight doesn’t mean a person has anorexia nervosa. To be diagnosed with anorexia, you also must have a distorted view of your body weight and shape.
In fact, a person may get even more worried about being fat even as they lose weight. In people with anorexia, self-esteem is often tied to their weight—losing weight is viewed as admirable, and gaining weight is a failure.
Other symptoms of anorexia include brittle hair and nails; dry, yellowish skin; lanugo (growth of fine hair all over the body); lethargy; and constipation. People with anorexia may develop muscle wasting/weakness, thinning bones, low blood pressure, and organ failure.
通常一个人被诊断出患有暴食症的经验s such episodes once a week for about three months. During these episodes, the person feels they can’t stop eating once they start, nor can they control what or how much they eat.
Symptoms of bulimia nervosa include irregular menstrual cycles, stomach problems such as acid reflux, dehydration, worn or decaying teeth as a result of frequent vomiting, and electrolyte imbalances. Rare but potentially fatal consequences of bulimia are heart problems, stroke, and tears of the esophagus. People with bulimia are also at risk of suicide.
暴饮暴食症。People with binge eating disorder experience episodes of binge eating that they feel they can’t control, but unlike people with bulimia, they do not engage in behaviors to compensate for their overeating.
Other specified eating disorder.This diagnosis applies to people who have the symptoms of an eating disorder, but do not fully meet the official criteria for any specific disorder. For example, this diagnosis might be given to a person who has the symptoms of anorexia but has a normal body weight, or to a person who binge eats, but does so less than once a week.
A family-based psychotherapy called the Maudsley Approach works well for adolescents with eating disorders, but its effectiveness in older adults hasn’t been studied.
•Cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing the thoughts, beliefs, and values that perpetuate the eating disorder
•Dialectical behavior therapy, which teaches skills to use to replace poor eating habits, such as mindfulness, becoming more effective in relationships, and tolerating distress
Because people with eating disorders frequently have symptoms of depression, antidepressants are often used as treatment, including citalopram (Celexa), sertraline (Zoloft), venlafaxine (Effexor), and duloxetine (Cymbalta).
•Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?
Getting help
If you think you or a loved one might have an eating disorder, the National Eating Disorders Association offers a helpline at 800-931-2237.