How I Found the Positives in a Positive Herpes Diagnosis

byEmily Depasse Patient Expert

My world seemed就像那天结束了。我看着我未来的爱情生活破碎,自我耗尽的感觉,以及我的梦想中的无耻。那天是2015年中期的一天,我离开了紧急护理诊所的迫切诊所;我留下了身份危机。

在论坛和博客上的研究和沟通深夜加深了我对病毒的好奇心。世界卫生组织估计,在50岁以下的世界上三分之二受到HSV-1 *的影响,50岁以下的人数超过了70多亿人拥有HSV-1或HSV-2 **,但尚未耻辱仍然存在。虽然关于疱疹的正常的谈话变得越来越普遍,但耻辱是最难以解构的。

For me, my herpes diagnosis rocked three major parts of my world.

Dating and love

Falling in love and being loved were of primary concern from the moment I found out I had contracted herpes. Sharing life adventures with a partner has been in the back of my mind since childhood. After my diagnosis, my romantic perspective shifted to fear.Who will want me when they find out that I have this?回荡在我的脑海里好几个月了。How will I even begin to tell someone I’m interested in that I have herpes?






I was a recent graduate working my dream internship at a diversity office before my herpes-induced self-destruction derailed my professional aspirations. Aside from the overwhelming feeling of tiredness and sense of shame, I lost my sense of purpose, and thus, my drive. My desires to succeed quickly vanished. Four days a week at work quickly turned into three, two, and suddenly, none. My graduate school dreams were cast aside as I struggled with not only the question of what I wanted to accomplish professionally, but what Icouldaccomplish professionally.

Where I am today

自从我确信我的世界结束的那一天以来已经过了一点两年了,而且我不是我认为的女人 - 我会更好。我发现自己与一个与开放和接受我的故事的合作伙伴的积极约会关系。我遵循我的梦想搬到一个可以容纳我的热情和积极生活方式的城市。我开始在2015年夏天最初寻求的社会工作和人类性行为的研究生教育。但是,也许是我在诊断之前没有的目标是我没有的目标。我的原始好奇心和教育其他人关于疱疹的愿望导致我的博客和其他书面工作,口语机会和研究兴趣。

Herpes does not have to be the “beginning of the end” or a death sentence to one’s love life, as it is so often portrayed. For me, my diagnosis was the beginning of a quest for knowledge and the fulfillment of a deeper life purpose. While I can’t be there to provide comforting words that assure everyone will accept your herpes diagnosis, I am here to tell you that there are people who will, and there is hope for your love life, professional life, and personal goals. I believe this goes beyond herpes, too.

I like to look at my diagnosis as part of my story. We all have stories — some are good, some are bad, and others fall somewhere in between. In healthy relationships and friendships, we reach a point where we have developed enough trust to feel comfortable sharing very intimate pieces of our stories. To me, herpes is simply a piece of my story, and an example of the power a shift in perspective can have on one’s outcome.

* HSV-1:通常称为口腔疱疹,但可以口服(唇疱疹)或遗治。

** HSV-2:通常性传播;通常被称为生殖器疱疹。

Meet Our Writer
Emily Depasse

Emily Depasse is a Philly-based writer, yogi, and aspiring sexologist who intertwines her creative spark with holistic health, fitness, and sexual wellness. She received her BA in Gender and Sexuality Studies in 2015 and is currently working on her MSW and MEd Human Sexuality. The time between her undergraduate and graduate studies served as a period of great transformation. She was diagnosed with HSV-2 (commonly known as 'genital herpes') in July of 2015. A true believer in "everything happens for a reason," Emily knew that this was somehow meant to be included in her journey. She began sharing her story in December of 2015 on her blog as a means to raise awareness, shatter stigmas, and let others know that they do not stand alone. Through her vulnerability, Emily has developed higher levels of honesty in her commitment to her sense of self, her happiness, passions, and her friendships and relationships. It is her hope that the light she embodies spreads to others through her education and practice. Her research interests include sexually transmitted infections and the role that female body image plays in shaping sexual experiences. When Emily isn't working, writing, or studying, she spends her time on her yoga mat, lifting weights, binge-watching outdated episodes of Sex and the City, reading the latest Kennedy Family tell-all, and chasing down gourmet cupcakes in the streets of Philadelphia (in heels, of course).