
通过大卫Mendosa 病人的倡导者



Kaiser Permanente健康研究中心在波特兰,俄勒冈州,而这项研究,要求记者不要写,直到今天。但Kaiser Permanente送给我即将发表的一份报告的一个副本,在强化干预阶段“减肥的减肥维护审判。”And last week one of the study's researchers spoke with me for an hour. The Kaiser Permanente investigators wanted to help a large proportion of people to lose weight and to keep that weight off long-term. The primary purpose of the study was to look at different strategies for long-term weight loss. Senior Investigator and co-author of the study, Victor J. Stevens, Ph.D., told me that they found that the more food records that the people in the study kept the more weight they lost. The study focused on reducing calories and didn't address the advantages of a low-carbohydrate diet, he said. "We asked them to write down everything that they ate and drank that had any calories in it," he told me. Dr. Stevens and his staff provided calorie guides and asked the participants to show their records to the investigators and talk about them in regular group meetings.

“只是写下一切会改变人们做些什么,”他说。”和其他的人看着食物日记会让效果更强。”More than two-thirds of all Americans and 85 percent of those of us with diabetes are overweight or obese. "If we all lost as much as the people in this study did, our nation would see vast decreases in diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke," Dr. Stevens says. "One of the myths in common knowledge is that most people can't lose weight," he told me. "That's not been my experience doing weight loss work with many people, and it was not our experience in this study. I see people all the time who are discouraged and don't want to try because they've been told that there's nothing you can do about it. But that's just not the case." I asked Dr. Stevens to share the food diary form that they developed for the people in their study, and I got it yesterday. While I'm not trying to lose any more weight, keeping it off for the rest of my life is important to me.




