Her Nipple Bled After I Sucked on it During Sex. Is this OK?


Asked by Karan

我女朋友的乳头arted Bleeding After I Sucked On It During Sex. Is This Dangerous?

After sucking and biting (a little) my girlfriend's nipple, it became distended and started to bleed a bit. Now she's very upset. Is this serious?


We women worry about our breasts a lot: how they look and feel, and how healthy they are. It's understandable your girlfriend is upset, since this apparently hasn't happened before. But breasts, and nipples especially, can be very sensitive. It's natural that, if things got just a bit too aggressive, her nipple could have been injured slightly.

Don't worry. While breasts and nipples are sensitive, like most parts of the body, they also do a good job of healing themselves. So this should heal in time, and the nipple should return in shape to how it was before. If she's concerned about cancer, an injury to the nipple does NOT cause breast cancer; here's a post onnipple issuesshe might want to read, for future reference. And going forward, you might want to be a bit more gentle, OK?

You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified healthcare professional.