Glenn Frey: Life and Legacy with Chronic Illness


这是一个标题,在过去的24小时里,这是一个非常关注的关注 - 特别是考虑到许多弗雷的粉丝没有意识到他的健康问题有多严重的报道。



The cause of Frey’s death, in a statement posted to the band’s website yesterday, was identified as pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis and acute ulcerative colitis. According to rock singer Bob Seeger, a longtime friend, Frey had been in the hospital since November.

弗雷历史悠久的严重消化健康问题,约会于20世纪80年代,当他错过了乐队的其他联合创始人和领导者Don Henley由于肠道疾病而错过了一场团聚的音乐会。此外,由于手术,必须在1990年将乐队带回将乐队带回乐队,以消除大部分毛细血淋的肠道。

与此同时,Eagles经理Irving Azoff告诉包装弗雷生活在类风湿性关节炎超过15年。

Rheumatoid arthritis是许多自身免疫疾病之一,通过错误地攻击健康组织和细胞来对身体作用。RA倾向于靶向我们关节内部发现的Synovium组织,但也可能攻击肌腱,血管甚至内脏。随着疾病开始侵蚀软骨,曾经健康,功能关节组织变得发炎,疼痛,在某些情况下,畸形。

“许多医生称为医疗紧急情况,但很少有公众对这种疾病的严重性的认识,”莱恩安德森写道屡获殊荣的类风湿性关节炎博客,The Seated View。在她的回应弗雷死亡的消息她呼吁提高认识和研究。“这种疾病可以采取这么多,”她补充道,“并知道它也可能需要几年的生活,可以带走你关心的人,是一件难以接受的。”

Frey was also battling溃疡性结肠炎,另一个影响肠和大肠的炎症疾病。没有治愈,患者可以选择旁路手术或药物,以减少或消除痛苦的溃疡和炎症的并发症。UC的其他症状包括腹痛,腹泻,严重痉挛,渗出体重减轻和慢性疲劳。这种疾病最突出的程序之一包括除去部分结肠或肠道,并用袋子替换为其形状的“J袋”。该程序通常遵循肠道中的持续物质,由于毒性或严重出血而快速肿胀。如果弗雷正在进行这种类型的手术,仍然是未知的。


The Eagles, in memory of Frey, posted on their website that in his last several weeks, “Glenn fought a courageous battle.” They continued:

“单词既不能描述我们悲伤,也不是我们的损失ve and respect for all that he has given to us, his family, the music community & millions of fans worldwide.”

Fans across the globe may still be settling the shock, but Frey’s legacy will not be his symptoms, surgeries, or even the chronic illnesses themselves. Instead, they will be his lifelong list of achievements in music. Among them is his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a part of the Eagles in 1998, his six Grammy Awards and five American Music awards. His iconic compositions with the Eagles for hit shows like迈阿密风云and贝弗利山霍普。和他的永恒图表顶部单身,包括我们许多人,老鹰迷,喜欢在我们的肺部唱歌 - “加州旅馆。”


Find out更多关于类风湿性关节炎。

Watch an inspiring story of a患有类风湿性关节炎的少妇。

Find out更多关于溃疡性结肠炎。

Watch four stories about患有溃疡性结肠炎的人。

(图片由Steve Alexander的礼貌Flickr Page.- 创意共享许可)


克里斯蒂娜布鲁克斯was a digital editor at HealthCentral with a background in animal biology, ecology, and health science. While studying broadcast journalism, she discovered the great need for health reporters that could translate research to the public. In her work, she hopes to use research to help consumers make smart decisions about their healthcare, and empower patients to stay confident and in charge of their chronic conditions. She helped launch HealthCentral's inaugural MythWeek.