Goitrogens: Healthy Foods or Thyroid Triggers?

Broccoli, kale, and other cruciferous vegetables are healthy foods, but are they thyroid triggers?

byMary Shomon Patient Advocate

You may have听说甲状腺患者不应该吃十字花奶,如西兰花,白菜,羽衣甘蓝和菠菜。与此同时,这些蔬菜通常被称为“超级食物”,因为它们富含维生素和矿物质,并提供了许多健康益处。智能,甲状腺友好的决定,了解您的用途需要了解goitrogenic foodsand their effect on your thyroid.

What are goitrogens?

Goitrogens are a category of foods that contain a natural chemical, goitrin, which interferes with your thyroid function.

Under normal circumstances, your body uses the iodine you ingest in food and supplements in order to manufacture your two primary thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Goitrin has the ability to block your body's use of iodine, which decreases your hormone production and can cause hypothyroidism. Goitrin can also enlarge your thyroid, a condition known as goiter.


  • Bok choy

  • Collards

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Russian kale

Some of the least potent goitrogenic foods include the following:

  • 非洲木薯

  • Babassu,一个原产于非洲和巴西的椰子水果

  • Broccoli

  • Broccolini.

  • Cauliflower

  • Chinese Broccoli

  • Daikon

  • Commercial Kale

  • Kohlrabi

  • Millet

  • 芥菜蔬菜

  • Peaches

  • Peanuts

  • 松子

  • Radishes

  • Red Radish

  • Rutabaga

  • Spinach

  • Strawberries

  • Turnips

  • 豆瓣


The goitrogenic potential of foods is greatest when the foods are eaten raw, when you are deficient in iodine, and when you are deficient in selenium. The impact of goitrogenic foods is also “dose-dependent,”meaning that your risk increases the more frequently you consume these foods. Steaming or cooking, however, can eliminate much of their goitrogenic properties.


Goitrogen Guidelines for Thyroid Patients


After radioactive iodine (RAI) ablation:If you’ve had RAI to treat Graves’ disease/hyperthyroidism, most experts consider it safe for you to eat goitrogens, whether raw or cooked.

After thyroid surgery:If you’ve had surgery to remove your thyroid as a treatment for thyroid cancer, goiter, nodules, or hyperthyroidism, most experts consider it safe for you to eat goitrogens, whether raw or cooked.

Graves’ disease/hyperthyroid:If you have Graves’ disease and/or are hyperthyroid, some holistic and naturopathic physicians suggest that you increase the amount of raw goitrogenic foods in your diet as a natural way to slow down your production of thyroid hormone. If you are taking antithyroid drugs, you may also find that you can reduce the dosage of your medication.

Hypothyroid with a thyroid gland:如果你是甲状腺功能亢进,并且仍有甲状腺至少部分功能,您可能希望更加谨慎地对养殖食品。一些技巧:

  • 避免过度消费goitrogenic食品的基因ral.

  • If you do want to include these foods in your diet, remember that proper preparation — cooking, steaming, or fermenting — can reduce their goitrogenic properties.

  • Be careful about drinking raw juice that uses cruciferous vegetables and concentrates their goitrogenic properties.

  • 由于碘和硒缺乏增加了对甲状腺上的血液的影响,因此要求您的从业者运行碘和硒缺乏的测试,如果您不足,请补充它们。

  • Keep in mind that even when you reduce the goitrogenic potential through cooking,soy foods contain chemicals that have the ability to block absorption of thyroid hormone. Avoid overconsumption of soy foods, especially super-concentrated forms of soy, such as soy supplements.

Meet Our Writer
Mary Shomon

Mary Shomon is a patient advocate andNew York Timesbestselling author who empowers readers with information on thyroid and autoimmune disease, diabetes, weight loss and hormonal health from an integrative perspective. Mary has been a leading force advocating for more effective, patient-centered hormonal healthcare. Mary also co-stars in PBS’ Healthy Hormones TV series. Mary also serves on HealthCentral’s Health Advocates Advisory Board.