Green Tea to Lower Cholesterol? Not So Fast

byLisa Nelson, RD, LN Health Professional

Does Green Tea Lower Cholesterol?

All right, this green tea article has been hanging over my head for at least a month now.
I just couldn't get motivated to wade through all the research to determine if yes, this is an effective way to lower cholesterol and预防心脏病, or no, it's just a lot of hype.


Health Clai

The proposed health claim for green tea is that drinking at least 5 fluid ounces as a source of catechins may reduce risk factors associated withcardiovascular disease.

What are catchins?

Green tea contains catechins, which are a type of flavenoid with antioxidant properties.
LDL分子的氧化是斑块形成的结果。因此,增加抗氧化剂摄入量应该缓慢氧化LDL., resulting in less arterial plaque formation.



Flavenoids themselves do not act as an antioxidant and they are poorly absorbed by the body.
However, the proposed benefit of extra flavenoids is that as the body eliminates the unwanted flavenoids, damaging free radicals are also eliminated.

Tea productio

The various types of tea are produced differently.
The least processed tea is white tea, which contains the highest levels of catechins.

Here's a little breakdown on tea oxidation:

Black tea - Highest oxidation; also, highest caffeine content and strongest flavor; 90% of all tea served in the West is black tea

Oolong tea - 10-70% oxidized


White tea - Minimal oxidation; Uncured, unfermented; Lower caffeine content that other teas

FDA Revie

In 2005, the FDA did not approve the health claim for green tea, because the link between green tea and reduced cardiovascular disease risk was too weak and more conclusive evidence was needed.

Recent Research

This past June, 2008, a study was published that links green tea to reduced flow-mediated dilation of brachial arteries (major blood vessels in the upper arms).
Flow-mediated dilation is related to coronary endothelial function and is an indicator for cardiovascular disease risk.
Increased dilation is good.
(The endothelium is the inner layer of an artery, which blood flows against.)

The results showed an increased flow-mediated dilation with tea (peak at 30 minutes post consumption).
There was no change to antioxidant status after consumption.
It's proposed that the improved flow-mediated dilation is how green tea reduces cardiovascular disease risk.


I think there is significant research that still needs to be completed before it can be determined for sure how tea works to prevent heart disease.
A study of 14 individuals is a small study.

Drinking 6 grams of green tea, would equal about three - 6 ounce cups of green tea each day.
(Based on making 1 six ounce cup of tea with 1 teaspoon or 2.25 grams of green tea.)
However, the study results are based on consuming 6 grams of tea in one setting followed by improved flow-mediated dilation at peak levels 30 minutes after consumption.
How likely is it for you to drink three cups of tea quickly, back-to-back to reproduce the short-term benefit shown in this study?

To me, that is not a very effective way to reduce心脏病风险.
但是,如果你喜欢绿茶 - 喝它。
Many studies are showing that green tea is beneficial to heart disease.
The what, how, and how much is yet to be determined.
Who knows what future studies will find?

Meet Our Writer
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

Lisa Nelson RD, a registered dietitian since 1999, provides step-by-step guidance to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, so you can live life and enjoy your family for years to come. Lisa's passion for health comes from her own family history of heart disease, so she doesn't dispense trendy treatments; Lisa practices what she teaches in her own daily life. Because her own health is the foundation of her expertise, you can trust that Lisa will make it truly possible for you to see dramatic changes in your health, without unrealistic fads or impossibly difficult techniques.