How ACA Subsidy Changes Might Affect You

经过南希·梅尔卡夫 卫生师

The Trump Administration上周尚未宣布,它将停止支付保险公司补贴,为许多人提供价格实惠的护理法案的计划。如果您在联邦市场购买健康保险,这就是对您意味着什么。


一种。The Affordable Care Act set up two major categories of subsidies to help people buy health insurance. The first,高级税收抵免,帮助抵消溢价本身的成本,可供任何人在其州保险市场购买健康计划的任何家庭收入。这些补贴仍然存在,并按照惯例进行报酬。(See if you qualify for the savings.)

成本分摊减少(CSRS)是补贴第二类主要类别。他们减少了较低收入人口(今年,这意味着个人30,150美元,夫妇为40,600美元,四口为4亿美元)。值得注意的是,只有在购买银色计划时才能申请CSR - 它们不适用于黄金或青铜计划。

The savings can be considerable. For the lowest-income people in this category, the CSR can reduce the deductible for a Silver plan from a typical $2,400 per year to $500 or less, and a typical coinsurance from 30 percent to 20 percent or less. Nearly 6 in 10 people buying insurance through the exchanges get some degree of CSR subsidy.

保险费直接向消费者给出税收抵免s to apply to the plan of their choice, but CSRs work differently. If you have a CSR Silver plan, you never even see the extra cost-sharing; it simply never is charged to you. Insurance companies absorb the extra cost and then are (or were) reimbursed by the federal government, to the tune, so far, of about $7 billion a year.


一种。The legal fate of CSR payments has been in contention for several years, with several lawsuits making their way through the federal court system. Essentially, opponents of the ACA have said that unless Congress explicitly appropriates money for CSRs (it hasn’t for the past several years), the government doesn’t have to pay the insurance companies back.




One option for insurers is to pull out of the exchanges entirely, though none have done so as of this writing.

One reason for this is that many state insurance departments looked ahead and told health insurers to add extra money to their 2018 premiums to cover the added CSR expense — just in case the government stopped paying reimbursements, as it has now done. That’s one reason that premiums have risen sharply for 2018 in many states.


“In some states there will actually be Silver plans that are more expensive than some of the Gold plans,” says Louise Norris, a Colorado broker who has been tracking the issue nationwide.


Q. What should I do if I’m eligible for a CSR?

一种。Surprisingly, nothing. When it’s time to shop for a 2018 coverage, you’ll be able to buy a Silver plan with cost-sharing reductions as usual. Even if the premium has gone up, it won’t matter to you because your premium subsidy will get bigger too.



One is California, where a 40-year-old buyer in the Los Angeles area who makes 300 percent of the poverty level, or $36,180, would come out ahead by taking his $310 monthly premium subsidy and spending $354 a month on a Gold plan instead of a $292 Silver plan. By spending an extra $62 a month (or $744 a year), he can get a plan with no deductible instead of a $2,500 deductible.





(In case you hadn’t realized it, all along since the passage of the ACA, insurers have been allowed to sell policies outside of the exchange. They have to adhere to the same metal levels and coverage rules as on-exchange plans. In general, they’re only a good idea if you are 100 percent certain that your income for the coming year will be too great to qualify for a premium subsidy.)

Your choices are tougher if you live in one of the few states where insurers spread the CSR costs broadly, as the premiums will go up across the board. You’ll either have to bite the bullet and pay extra for a Silver or Gold plan, or drop back to a less costly Bronze plan.


