
byAnne Windermere Patient Advocate

在我以前post I talked about how to assess your child's behaviors by using anABC记录保存系统

One way such data can be useful is in deciding whether or not a particular treatment is effective or not. There are two primary methods for treating the symptoms of ADHD and they include行为管理技巧注意力缺陷多动症medications。治疗ADHD的替代方法可包括a改变饮食
or using a感官融合方法。You may decide to try one treatment approach or a combination of several methods.

Regardless of your choice of treatment, you will want to devise some system for telling you whether or not this treatment is working or not. Here are some easy ways you can take a look at your child's symptoms and behaviors in order to gage the success of your chosen ADHD treatment:

1.记录行为的频率:The way that you do this is to first define the behavior you wish to examine. Let's say that your child's teacher has just started a behavioral program to deal with your child's behavior of talking out of turn. She may define this behavior objectively as: Shouting out answers without raising hand first, talking during stated quiet times, and interrupting when others are already talking. In order to evaluate whether or not the behavioral program is effective she may choose time periods to mark down how often your child engages in the talking out of turn behavior.

For example between the hour of 10 am to 11 am she may keep a simply tally sheet of the number of times your child talks out of turn. If the behavioral program is working, of course you expect to see those tally marks decrease over time.

You can find a频率/行为计数表单来自堪萨斯州积极行为支持网站。


你可能会找到一个持续时间录制形式the Special Connections

3. Time sampling record:Perhaps you want to get an overall picture of how your child is behaving throughout the day. A time sampling record or what is sometimes called an interval recording can help. Basically you want to divide up your child's day into times when you will look to see if the child is engaging in a particular behavior or not. There are two ways you can do this. One is to have set times during the day when you and/or your child's teachers would check on your child and note whether he or she is engaged in a target behavior. For example you may take a look at what is going on every hour or at some set time during every class period. The advantage of this type of data recording is that you are not going crazy trying to observe behaviors all day long but you may also be missing time periods when your child is engaged in those target behaviors.

A second way to do a time sampling record is to choose intervals of time to observe behavior. For example let's say you wish to assess whether or not your child's new medication is having any effect upon decreasing aggressive behaviors. You create a data sheet divided up into regular time intervals such as 8 am-9, 9-10, 10-11 and so forth. You can then use a code to denote the occurrence of any target behaviors. For example if you are targeting aggression you can use the letter "A" to write in the box for the time interval when and if you observe this behavior. What this is going to tell you is when the medication is most and least effective. If you begin to see patterns of break through behaviors at certain times, such as when medication is wearing off then this is something you can discuss with your child's doctor.



If you have found an effective way to evaluate your child's progress please let us know. As a community we all learn from each other. Thank you for being a member of注意力缺陷多动症Central

Meet Our Writer
Anne Windermere
