

经过PJ Hamel 患者专家



With all the awareness around breast cancer these days, more women than ever are being proactive about breast health. The good news is, acknowledging that you've felt a change in your breast can help you head off any serious issues. The bad news is, this heightened awareness may lead you to question and worry about every little twinge and ache.

当您体验乳房疼痛时,以下五点可以作为现实检查 - 这可能包括从沉闷疼痛到灼痛灼痛灼痛的一切。使用此清单来决定是否需要立即打电话给医生,或者可以等待查看自己是否自己解决。





绝经中绝经中的乳房疼痛是由于与月经周期相关的激素水平的变化。如果您仍然有期限,请记下疼痛开始的时候,它持续多久。如果它在你的期间开始,并且此后不久结束,那么它可能是荷尔蒙 - 即使你在一个乳房中感受到疼痛。

If you're post-menopausal, it's much less likely the pain you feel is due to hormones, since you're no longer experiencing a monthly cycle. However, it's also unlikely the pain is breast-cancer related, since only about 5% of breast pain is due to cancer (with the exception of inflammatory breast cancer,IBC.,其主要症状通常是痛苦)。追踪疼痛,其严重程度和持续时间。如果几天后没有开始改进,请看看医生找出什么。


如果是这样,那么是时候认真对待它了。IBC可以在其他症状中表现出红肿,肿胀和热量;但这是一种罕见的癌症形式。更常见的是,这些症状的女性都有mastitisor some other breast infection, which can also be serious. If you're experiencing noticeable redness and swelling, see a doctor ASAP.


某些药物会导致乳房疼痛。这些我nclude some hormone-based drugs (birth control pills, infertility treatment, hormone replacement therapy); some medications that treat anemia, heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney disease; diuretics; as well as, antidepressants and antipsychotics that treat a host of mental health issues. In addition, a fatty acid imbalance in your cells system-wide can cause breast pain, according toHarvard Health

If the pain lasts longer than a week or so; or if it recurs on an irregular schedule (i.e., not in synch with your period), then ask your doctor if you might be experiencing a medication side effect.

Have you had cysts in the past, or been told you have a condition called fibrocystic change?

许多女性,特别是在20和50岁之间,经历囊肿 - 小,流体填充的口袋,当存在于乳房中时,有时会变得足够大以压力疼痛并引起疼痛。纤维囊肿变化, also common in pre-menopausal women, can result in benign breast tumors (fibroadenomas) which, while not serious, can be painful.

你怎么知道你的疼痛是否可能是由于囊肿?通常,它会在一个(不是两个)的乳房;在你的时期之前会伤害更糟。您可以在痛苦的地区感到柔软,可移动的肿块。然而,对于明确的诊断,看看你的医生;他/她可以订购ultrasound, which is very reliable in identifying breast cysts.


Causes of Breast Pain:梅奥诊所。(N.D.)“乳房疼痛”。https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/breast-pain/symptoms-causes/syc-20350423

Medications That Cause Breast Pain:约翰霍普金斯医学。(N.D.)“乳房疼痛:10个原因你的乳房可能受伤。”https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/breast-pain-10-reasons-your-breasts-may-hurt

Hamel, PJ (2009, March 14). Understanding Different Types of Breast Pain. Retrieved July 20, 2014, from //www.televisions-enligne.com/breast-cancer/c/78/63099/breasts-breast

PJ Hamel
