Kristin Szilagyi从肥胖转变为美国美容,第1部分 - 我的肥胖生命

经过谢丽尔安恩 病人倡导者

Kristin Szilagyi等了我在2003年8月27日在我的医院房间她和我在一起直到那个护士带来了Gurney的那一刻,让我进入我的新生活。和克里斯汀在另一边就在那里,为我的体重减轻手术旅程提供支持和其他患者。




A:2001年,NJ几乎没有任何外科医生进行减肥手术。在我的健康保险计划中的外科医生有1.5年的手术候补名单。他还有一个月的支持小组。所以,我迫使自己到了前两次会议,因为我想一次会议?像aa?我没有问题!我不是瘾君子!我甚至不喜欢在公共场合看到!但是,如果我打算改变我的身体,我需要和其他人交谈。我每个月都去了。 I can't begin tell you the education, love and support this group of people showed to me, it was remarkable. So I joined their support group team. It was my way of tricking me to go every month. I didn't need them they would need me!

如果他们需要我做一些我必须在那里的事情。这是我做过的最好的决定。我从来没有去过一个有史以来的支持小组会议!男孩我学到了很多!现在我知道更好,我需要他们,他们不需要我。我想回馈让我告诉你我做得不够。我荣幸能够转动我生命中的故事,以便他们也可以对改变生活有望;生活没有标有痛苦和屈辱,而是一个明亮的梦想成为现实的梦想,这是一种没有肥胖机身带来的监禁的生活。为此,我很感激,因为没有我自己的痛苦,我永远无法真正理解同龄人的内部纷争。我们都有能力来制定我们想要的变化; sometimes we need to help each other along that journey.


A:我和孩子一样没有超重。我开始加权我高中的高中。我现在知道10年后,我已经让自己变得肥胖了。那是一个吞咽的硬丸。谁实际上想要肥胖?更不用说让自己成为病态肥胖。哦,但我总是拥有的借口!我最大的是我每周6天在沙龙工作,吃早餐,午餐和晚餐。没有时间吃饭。我会在5分钟内嘲笑食物。 On the weekends I was too tired to cook, so let's order out or go out. Then I had kids".baby weight. Then I owned my own salon, it was too much to handle. I was borderline diabetic. I was depressed. Then there were marital problems. I'd lose twenty or thirty pounds then put it right back on plus another forty. I felt like a prisoner in my own body. I had no energy and had to take a handful of pills just to make it through the day. I even tried prescription weight loss drugs for a period of time. The list goes on and on. I decided that after being on every diet and programs out there, wasting my money on shams and fads. I had had it with myself; I was frustrated, discouraged and severely depressed. When you're that overweight, you feel like a failure. You feel embarrassed and self-conscious. I felt like there was nothing I could do, and that I was just going to be overweight for the rest of my life. I heard about gastric bypass surgery from a client who knew someone who had the surgery. In the beginning I thought the idea was absolutely crazy. I started doing research and finally made the appointment for a consultation.

