Living with Melanoma

byEileen Bailey Health Writer

If you havejust been diagnosed with melanoma or are currently receiving treatment, you probably have a lot of questions. What treatments are available? What is the best treatment? What happens after your diagnosis? What happens when treatment ends? On HealthCentral we have written extensively about melanoma. The following posts should help you through the process of learning about melanoma, the treatments and the outlook.

What is Melanoma?

Metastatic Melanoma- An overview of melanoma and where it normally spread to within the body.

Understanding the Stages of Melanoma- There are five stages of melanoma and if you have been diagnosed with cancer, your doctor usually includes the stage in your diagnosis. We explain what each stage means to you and your treatment.

Dr. Green Answers Your Questions About Melanoma- Dermatologist Lawrence Green answers a few questions about melanoma.

Risk Factors

Why Some People Are More at Risk of Melanoma- Researchers are searching for answers to why some people seem to be more at risk of developing melanoma than others. J. Ho, an Editor at Health Central, explains some of the recent research.

Why Redheads Are at Greater Risk for Melanoma- Redheads do not produce as much melanin in their skin, leaving them unprotected from the sun's rays. Research has shown, that redheads are more susceptible to melanoma even when not exposed to the sun. A. Tsai, a Health Central editor, explains why.

Detecting and Diagnosing Melanoma

Moles vs. Melanoma: 8 Things You Need to Know——黑素瘤经常在现有的发展mole but that doesn't mean every mole is cancerous. Know what to look for when doing skin checks.

Five Ways to Detect Melanoma Early- With early detection, the survival rate for melanoma is high. Many times, however, melanoma isn't diagnosed until it is in the later stages of the disease. Health Guide, Merely Me, explains the ways you can be on the lookout for melanoma.

Early Warning Signs of Melanoma- Melanoma often develops at the site of an existing mole, however, it can develop anywhere on your body. It follows the American Cancer Society's ABCDE rule. Learn how to spot the signs.

What to Expect When You Are Diagnosed with Melanoma——被诊断出患有癌症是可怕的职业bably have a lot of questions about your diagnosis and uncertainty about your future. Here we explain what you need to know right after your diagnosis. See also:What Happens After a Stage 4 Melanoma Diagnosis

Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma- When you receive a diagnosis of Stage 4 Melanoma you might have a hard time sorting through your thoughts and emotions. You might feel overwhelmed and scared. Gathering information about your diagnosis is important. We list questions you can ask your doctor.

5 Signs Melanoma has Spread- Stage 4 melanoma is when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Know the signs that signal your cancer has metastasized.


Treatment Options for Metastatic Melanoma- When melanoma is detected early, there are several different treatment options. If it spreads to other parts of the body, treatment methods are more limited.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Stage 4 Melanoma- These types of treatment have not been scientifically proven to fight melanoma but are sometimes used. Complementary treatments, such as nutrition programs, are often used alongside more traditional treatments.

New Treatment Approved for Stage 4 Melanoma- Scientists continue to look for new and better ways to treat melanoma. In September, 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new drug to treat those with advanced, or Stage 4, melanoma.

Life with Melanoma

Can You Prevent Melanoma from Metastasizing?- Researchers in Australia are looking for ways to use our cells to stop cancer from spreading.

Living with Metastatic Melanoma- The 10 year survival rate for metastatic melanoma was previously less than 1 percent, however, recent medical advances are improving both treatments and life expectancy. Some people have lived for many years after their diagnosis, including Deborah Shemesh, who, wrote a blog for the AIM for Melanoma website 32 years after her diagnosis.

Outsmarting Melanoma- More people today are living with melanoma because of better awareness, better diagnostic tools and improved treatments.

The Stigma of Skin Cancer: Did You Ask for This?- Because sun exposure increases a person's risk of developing skin cancer, many people living with skin cancer must deal with the stigma surrounding it, including others thinking you caused the cancer by sunbathing.

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Meet Our Writer
Eileen Bailey

Eileen Bailey is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.