
经过Lisa Emrich. Patient Advocate

此外MS organizations who are focused onresearchand注册管理机构, we have several organizations which offer support and services to folks affected by multiple sclerosis. The following provides an introduction to the services provided by the more prominent nonprofit organizations in the United States which serve on a national level.


意味着罗女士一起生活ad to wellness is more than treatment of the disease. Equally important are health and wellness strategies, a strong support network of family and friends, satisfying work and leisure activities, a meaningful place in the community, and adequate attention to one's inner self.


For the Newly Diagnosed:


。。。and MORE! VisitNMSS计划和服务了解更多信息。


多发性硬化基础(MSF)是1986年成立的基于服务的非营利组织With national headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the MSF serves the nation from one central location. Networking with independent, grassroots organizations gives us a local presence in communities around the nation. Funds raised by the MSF go directly into services designed to improve the quality of life for people with MS.

The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation provides a comprehensive approach to helping people with MS maintain their health and well-being. We offer programming and support to keep them self-sufficient and their homes safe, while our educational programs heighten public awareness and promote understanding about the disease.

Our resources assist people who have MS, their families and caregivers, regional support groups, and healthcare professionals. Access to our programs and services is available through our interactive web site or our national, toll-free helpline staffed by caring caseworkers and peer counselors. Our priority is to serve with empathy, resourcefulness and responsibility.


广泛的patient services offered by MSFinclude:


Financial Programs:



Since 1970, MSAA's philosophy and efforts have focused on improving the quality of day-to-day life, for everyone affected by MS. MSAA invites everyone within their community to join our cause - working together to break down barriers (physical, emotional, and social) and build up hope for those who are physically challenged.



MSAA offers the following programs and services:

MS World,Inc。

The primary mission of MSWorld, Inc., established in 1995 by MS patient Kathleen Wilson, is to end the isolation that people feel when diagnosed with a chronic illness, specifically multiple sclerosis - “Patients Helping Patients®.” MSWorld provides global Internet community support to people with multiple sclerosis. Our sole mission is to create a safe, informative, useful and fun place for people with MS to meet, share ideas and gain useful resources to keep them moving forward while living with MS.



多年来,倡议由Ame MSFriendslia Davis, a person living with MS, provided peer-to-peer telephone support 24/7 to people with MS who needed to talk to someone. The National MS Society took over MSFriends and has incorporated it into their peer-to-peer programs. The tollfree helpline remains the same - 1-866-msfriends (1-866-673-7436) - but the hours may differ.

MS可以做(以前的Heuuga Center)

可以做MS,以前是Heuuga For Mored Saclerosis的中心,是一个创新的生活方式赋予MS和他们的支持合作伙伴的培养方案。一个国家非营利组织,我们赋予人们通过赋予他们的知识,技能,工具和信心来超越他们的MS超越健康的生活方式行为,积极共同管理他们的疾病并养活最好的生活。

Since 1984, we’ve been at the forefront of promoting the culture and belief that everyone living with MS has the power to live full lives. The organization has helped thousands of people living with MS transform challenges into possibilities in health and life. In 2008, we provided programs and services to more than 10,000 people.


CAN DO MS有一个来自美国和加拿大周边的100多个医疗保健专业人士的网络,包括锻炼生理学家,营养学家,神经科学家,身体和职业治疗师,医生,心理学家,讲话/语言病理学家,注册护士和其他医疗专家。我们的医疗保健专业人员致力于教授MS及其支持合作伙伴的人,如何通过专注于他们可以做的事情来控制他们的生命和健康。2009年,可以做女士与国家多发性硬化社会形成合作伙伴关系,以对准资源,更有效地提高人士和他们的支持合作伙伴的人们的生活质量。

(updated July 2015)

Lisa Emrich.

Living with multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid Arthritis, Lisa Emrich is an award-winning, passionate patient advocate, health writer, classical musician, and backroad cyclist. Her stories inspire others to live better and stay active. Lisa is author of the blog Brass and Ivory: Life with MS and RA and founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers. Lisa frequently works with organizations in support of better policies, patient-centered research, and research funding. Lisa serves on HealthCentral’s Health Advocates Advisory Board, and is a Social Ambassador for the MSHealthCentral Facebook page.