
经过Eli Hendel,M.D. 医疗审阅者

Obstructive sleep apneaOSA)影响大约10%的人口(美国约有3000万人),其中80%仍未结束,未经治疗。许多被诊断患者的患者不符合治疗,但新设备可以为某些患者提供新的和有效的替代方案。

目前,黄金标准治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停is the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. Unfortunately, studies have shown that even among those who were diagnosed and recommended for treatment with CPAP, more than 30 percent of people with the severe form of the disease chose not to start CPAP treatment, and在10个月使用后,还有15%的人选择用CPAP停止(有效)治疗despite being advised of the possible negative consequences.


  • 面具的不适

  • 戴着面具时的幽闭恐惧症感

  • 当机器正在使用时的噪音(床伴侣也有问题)

许多患者愿意尝试替代形式的治疗形式,包括牙科设备和bariatric surgery减少爱游戏ayx网 ,这是OSA的危险因素。

Given the problem with CPAP and the fact that other treatment options are often not effective, a company called Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. has developed a novel device used to treat OSA. Recently approved by the FDA, it’s called theInspire ® Upper Airway Stimulation

How does the Inspire ® device work?

The device consists of a small pulse generator the size of a quarter. It is implanted under the skin in the chest area through a minor procedure similar to implanting a心脏起搏器。两根电线出来激发装置,一个有一个传感器,它直接连接到膜片。它感测患者的呼吸图案,并且在灵感(呼吸)时,它将信号发送到单元,然后将信号发出信号,该单元向导向神经的第二导线向支配舌头(低压神经)的肌肉。刺激刺激性,这种神经导致舌头肌肉签约并前进舌头。舌头的这种运动会扩大气道,允许抑制否则会发生的阻塞。那个人吸入和呼气正常。

The physician can adjust the stimulation settings with an external programmer and the user can turn it on before going to sleep and turn it off upon awakening.

Who is the right patient for the device?



Implanting the device is contraindicated in certain patients, including

  • 诊断出的任何患者CSA或中央睡眠呼吸暂停which means the source of the apnea is due to the brain not sending the signal to breathe;

  • Patients with OSA who are or intend to become pregnant;

  • 疾病的患者喜欢Parkinson’s disease或者有软腭塌陷的个体。这些患者具有功能性或解剖异常,可以损害上气道的功能;

  • 任何可能未来MRI的患者。


目前的数据表明,这是对OSA非常有前途的治疗治疗。与牙科和其他口服装置不同,所述口服装置被用于轻度至中度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,该装置对患者进行了更严重的疾病的患者进行了测试。“呼吸暂停减少刺激疗法”(明星)研究[NOTE: When was study conducted? By whom?]这是FDA批准的关键表明,植入式装置将呼吸暂停次阅呼吸暂停(AHI)降低78%。

一种新研究on implantable devices for OSA presented this year at the meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies followed patients over a three-year period and showed AHI decreased 84 percent.


任何与隔膜的互动都会冒着令人讨厌但不是严重的后果打嗝。其次,类似于a心脏起搏器,once you implant the Inspire device, the two leads will likely become surrounded by scar tissue, which means it could be quite difficult to remove if the need arises later on. For example, if the patient loses a great deal of weight and his or her doctor believes that OSA would no longer be an issue, it might be problematic to remove the device.


其他new device用于目前没有名称的神经刺激是由Imthera®制造的,并正在通过FDA批准进行临床试验。该设备不需要连接到隔膜,并持续刺激舌头。它可能会限制膈肌的打嗝或其他刺激问题的问题,但是嘴里肌肉恒定收缩的成本。

In light of the severe consequences of untreated obstructive sleep apnea, any legitimate new therapeutic options are always welcome.

Eli Hendel,M.D.

Eli Hendel,M.D.,是一个董事会认证的内科/肺部专家,睡眠医学中的董事会认证。他的地区南加州医学院南加州医学院助理临床医学教授,以及加州工业关系部的合格体检医学院,包括哮喘,COPD,睡眠障碍,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和职业肺病。癖好?玩爵士音乐。