Perimenopause and Low Sexual Desire

by艾琳贝利 Health Writer

周刊是这是stage leading up to menopause. It can begin anytime after age 35 and lasts for an average of 4 years, however, for some women, this stage can be only a few months or could last much longer than 4 years. During perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations can cause irritability, mood swings, weight gain, anxiety and an increase in headaches.

另一种症状可以是减少的性行为。这种症状可能会令人沮丧和令人失望。对于一些人来说,它可能会干扰你的关系。因为围本期生可以在更年期开始之前开始,因为你可能无法意识到发生的事情以及为什么你突然对性关系的兴趣。确保您是否正在遇到列出的任何症状或您的症状性欲较低than it was previously, talk with your doctor. There are tests that can be done to find out if you are entering the perimenopause stage.


期间perimenopause, a number of changes in your body begin to take place. Each of these can contribute to lower libido.


Sexual desire often peaks around the time of ovulation, nature's way of increasing the chances of procreation.

Decrease in Progesterone

Progesterone helps fuel desire. During perimenopause, your progesterone levels slowly begin to decrease causing a decrease in sexual desire.




While we most often think oftestosterone作为雄性激素,女性也有它,只需较低。在围栏期间,随着这种激素与性驱动直接相关的这种激素,睾酮的水平降低。这种激素还在阴道润滑中发挥作用,与雌激素一样,减少的润滑会导致不舒服和痛苦的性行为。


Besides the hormonal changes, perimenopause can cause irritability, mood swings and depression. Because sex is just as much emotional and physical for women, feeling down may affect your desire for intimacy and sexual intercourse.


潮热和盗汗可能会严重影响your ability to get a good night's sleep. Physical exhaustion can leave you too tired to want to engage in sexual activities.

What You Can Do

Because perimenopause is a medical condition, the first step is to talk with your doctor. He or she can request tests to let you know whether you are in perimenopause. Once you understand why you are experiencing a decrease in sexual desire, you can better cope with and find solutions for it. A blood test will also tell you if there are any other physical problems, such as low thyroid function, that may be contributing to your decreased sexual desire.


Some methods that may work:

雌激素- These creams can be applied in the vagina to help with lubrication, making sex more comfortable and can help increase sexual desire. Oral estrogen has been linked to cancer, however, using localized estrogen is considered safe. This type of estrogen comes in creams, suppository tablets or small rings which sit inside the vagina and slowly release estrogen.

Testosterone creams- Applying testosterone to the vagina or clitoris can increase sensation during intercourse and increase your ability to have an orgasm.

Vitamin E- If you are experiencing problems with lubrication, applying vitamin E directly in the vagina may help.

Personal lubricants- As with Vitamin E, personal lubricants, such as KY Jelly, can help with moisture and make intercourse more pleasurable.

Testosterone- 口服睾丸激素或使用贴剂或注射可以有助于增加性欲,但是,这有风险。副作用包括痤疮,面部头发和情绪变化。


Most importantly, as you go through perimenopause, keep up communication with your partner. He needs to understand what you are going through and you will need to educate him on what to expect. As your sexual desire decreases, he may feel left out or rejected. Knowing that it is medical, not personal, can go a long way to keeping the relationship intact. Talk about other ways to be intimate, including cuddling, on days you are not interested in sex. Your partner's support will go a long way to making you feel better. Print out articles, such as this one, to share with your partner about what to expect and what types of things you can do to improve your sexual desire. You may want to make an appointment with your doctor so he can explain the symptoms of perimenopause and you can talk together about how to cope with all the symptoms.


“夏天,夏天,夏天L. Leventhal,M.D.,Mandee,Manopause中的隐性问题管理

“更年期”,2011年回顾,9月13日,由David Zieve,M.D.,国家卫生研究院审核

"Perimenopause - a Time of Change," Modified 2011, July 20, Marcy Holmes, N.P, Certified Menopause Clinician,

Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.