Predicting the Course of Metastatic Breast Cancer

byPhyllis Johnson Patient Advocate

Suppose a mathematiciancould tell you the chances that your cancer would spread and how long you are likely to live if it does metastasize? Would you want to know? Metastasis, becoming Stage 4, is what every cancer patient fears when she first hears her diagnosis. A new[数学模型]could give you more specific information about your prognosis.

Fiction vs. fact

“The cancer has spread. There’s nothing we can do.” That’s the script of every tearjerker cancer novel and movie. In the movie version, a montage shows a few sun-lit weeks of our heroine doing what she loves best accompanied by glorious background music. Then she lies in her hospital bed looking lovely, if a bit pale, as her family says goodbye. The end.



Another fact missing from the information we get from both the media and our doctors is that the site of the metastasis determines both the length of survival and the quality of life for the patient.

南加州大学的研究人员使用了计算机编程和统计建模,以查看乳腺癌可以传播的所有不同方式以及哪些影响现场对生存的影响。他们在诊断训练时看着Sloan Kettering Memorial医院的446名患者的记录,但最终达到了第4阶段。他们跟踪了十年内癌症的进展,或直到患者死亡。他们为所有患者整理了这些信息,无论亚型,然后根据患者的激素受体和HER2状态再次查看它。

They used a model called aspatiotemporal progression diagram看起来像不同颜色的一系列同心circles showing the pathways that the cancers spread. The model predicts survival based on the pattern of disease progression.




It’s vital to keep in mind that this model is based on 446 women at a specific hospital between 1975 and 2009. Treatment for metastatic breast cancer has advanced since their diagnosis. It will be important to know if similar results occur with a larger sample from a wider distribution of institutions. But this information is important in changing our thinking away from a one-scenario-fits-all model.

Our perceptions of Stage IV patients are molded by our experience with a friend or family member. If we know someone who has held down a job for the last six years missing work only for doctors’ appointments, we tend to think of metastatic breast cancer as a treatable condition. If we watched our mother decline quickly, unable to find enough breath to hold a grandchild, we hear a diagnosis of Stage IV very differently.


Although we hear sad stories every day about breast cancer deaths, when we are in the doctor’s office for ourselves or a loved one, we need to ask more questions about our specific situation. We need to understand how our disease is similar or different from that of another Stage 4 sister. Then with appropriate facts, we can make plans.


牛顿,P.等。转移性乳腺癌的时尚进展:Markov链模型突出了早期转移性位点的作用。npj Breast Cancer.October 21, 2015. Accessed from 26, 2016.

Meet Our Writer
Phyllis Johnson

Phyllis Johnson is an inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) survivor diagnosed in 1998. She has written about cancer for HealthCentral since 2007. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the oldest 501(3)(c) organization focused on research for IBC. Phyllis attends conferences such as the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s Project LEAD® Institute. She tweets at @mrsphjohnson.