5 Reasons You Need a Psoriasis Mentor

by阿里希桥 Patient Advocate

There was atime when psoriasis suffocated my life and held me hostage with its stigma and shame. The disease often made me feel alone, isolated, and enslaved. It took a community to rescue me from the mental and emotional penitentiary psoriasis held me in.

Years ago, I met my very first online psoriasis mentor through the National Psoriasis Foundation’s一对一的导师计划. For the first time in my life I was able to speak with another person who understood my struggles and could relate to me. Slowly, with the help of my mentor, the holding cell of shame and embarrassment psoriasis once presented in my life slowly started to fade away. Eventually with the help of支持团体, advocacy efforts, and sharing my own story I was free to live a life of empowerment, encouragement, and strength. Check out five ways mentorship in the psoriasis community is imperative and why you should consider finding one for yourself today.

“When we share our stories, we open our hearts to allow others to share their stories. It gives us all the sense that we are not alone on this journey.”— Janine Shepherd


If someone is a psoriasis mentor, it means they have triumphed over some of the worst struggles you can image while living with this chronic illness. They have dealt with rude comments from others, fought with insurance companies for treatment approval, and learned how to cope with the mental anguish of living with a visible disease. Most likely, they have been through it all and through thesharing of their storiesyou will find a place of hope.

“Small support could accomplish a big dream.”— Mohammad Rishad sakhi

2. They offer encouragement


“孤独是非常困难的。”— Yoko Ono


银屑病is a very isolating disease because no one wants to talk about it. Lots of people living with the disease will hide it in the summer, avoiding activities where they might have to show it, and avoid any conversations involving the disease. Lots of people want to forget they have it. Psoriasis mentors will remind you, you are not alone. They will将您联系在一起living with the disease, refer you to support groups, and make you aware of the latest happenings in the psoriasis community.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”— Maya Angelou

4. You’ll have emotional care

Have you ever had a bad day with psoriasis, and you felt yourfriends and family just couldn’t relate还由于害怕有人判断你的斑点,他们可能不明白为什么你有一个修指甲的恐慌攻击。他们可能不会让你为什么决定在夏天穿长袖。牛皮癣导师会理解,确切地知道你的感受,并给你你所需的话语,无论你面临什么令人困难的时间。

“帮助别人看到自己比他们相信的更好。”- ATGW.

5. Mentors will help you see parts of yourself you didn’t know existed


Meet Our Writer

阿里希桥has dealt with psoriasis since 7 years old after a bad case of chicken pox triggered her disease to spread on over 90% of her body. For years she hid in shame afraid of what people would think of such a visible disease. She has suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks due to psoriasis. Years ago Alisha wrote a letter entitled “My Suicide Letter.” The letter was not about actually killing herself but killing parts of her like low self-esteem, fear, and shame so she could truly live to her fullest potential. This proclamation catapulted her into psoriasis and patient advocacy. Following this letter she created a blog entitled Being Me In My Own Skin where she gives intimate details of what it’s like to live with psoriasis. Alisha is a community ambassador for the National Psoriasis Foundation and has served her community in countless ways to help give a better understanding of what’s it’s like to live with psoriasis. Her life motto is the following: “My purpose is to change the hearts of people by creating empathy and compassion for those the least understood through transparency of self, patient advocacy, and dermatology.” Alisha is also a Social Ambassador for the HealthCentral Skin Health Facebook page.