类风湿性关节炎血液测试 - 它们是什么意思?

经过Lene Andersen, MSW 病人倡导者

RF. ESR. Anti-CCP.安娜。CPR。不,这些不是秘密代理商使用的代码来传达他们的任务。它们是用于诊断和诊断的血液测试的名称managing rheumatoid arthritis。When you’re new to this disease, they can seem as mysterious and impenetrable as a secret language. What do they measure? What do the numbers mean? What’s normal, what isn’t? This post is all about demystifying RA blood tests.




RF is a type of antibody that may be associated with inflammation. This is usually one of the first tests your family doctor will order if they suspect you might have inflammatory arthritis. However, it’s important to know that 20-30 percent of people withRA.are negative for RF (also called seronegative).

它在其他条件下也可能是阳性的,包括Sjogren和结核病,并且少量的健康人也可能测试正面。可以以两种方式报告正常结果,小于40-60 u / ml或小于1:80(1至80)滴度(滴度表达浓度水平)。


ANAis another blood test used when doctors suspect inflammatory arthritis. If positive, it is an indication that more specific investigation is necessary to identify the particular type of inflammatory arthritis.






Along with the ESR, the CRP tests the level of inflammation in the body. It measures the特定蛋白质的浓度在急性炎症期间在肝脏中产生。

普通范围大约小于1.0mg / dl或小于10 mg / l。


CCP是可以指示Ra的存在的抗体。这是一个更新的,更准确的测试。当它是积极的时,有90%到95%likelihood that the person has RA. As well, it can be positive up to 15 years before a person develops RA.


  • Negative: less than 20.0 U

  • Weak positive: 20.0-39.9 U

  • Positive: 40-59.9 U

  • 强阳性:超过或= 60.0 u

During the diagnosis process, you may also be tested for Lyme disease, which can include symptoms of fever, fatigue and joint pain, as well as for anemia, which can often occur with certain inflammatory chronic illnesses.


Vectra DA

Vectra DA是一种相对较新的测试,用于在能够被诊断出来的类风湿性关节炎的管理中。


  • 低疾病活动1-29

  • 适度疾病活动30-44

  • High disease activity 45-100

How to Understand Your Rheumatoid Arthritis

Now that you know what the tests measure and what the numbers mean, how do you use that information? Not as much as you might think.





注意血液测试是什么意思,但尽量不要obsess. Poring over your numbers or indulging your inner geek by considering graphing the results over time is probably not very healthy. Instead, talk to your doctor to get more information and support about blood tests.

Lene Andersen, MSW

Lene Andersen is an author, health and disability advocate, and photographer living in Toronto. Lene (pronounced Lena) has lived with rheumatoid arthritis since she was four years old and uses her experience to help others with chronic illness. She has written several books, including Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tools for Managing Treatment, Side Effects and Pain, and 7 Facets: A Meditation on Pain, as well as the award-winning blog, The Seated View. Lene serves on HealthCentral's Health Advocates Advisory Board, and is a Social Ambassador for the RAHealthCentral on Facebook page, facebook.com/rahealthcentral. She is also one of HealthCentral'sLive Bold,现在生活英雄 -看着她与ra的令人难以置信的生活之旅。