
byCarmen Roberts, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. Health Professional, Medical Reviewer

Living withrheumatoid arthritis(RA) doesn’t mean that you have to give up your active lifestyle. Even when you are experiencing pain and fatigue, there are simple exercises that you can do to stay fit.

Researchshows that exercise can help alleviate RA symptoms and even improve day-to-day functioning. It can also improve flexibility, sleep, and endurance. HealthCentral reviews some of the best exercises you can do when living with RA:


游泳的Is Light on Your Joints

游泳的是在限制关节冲击时参与有氧运动的好方法。由于水支持您的体重,因此对关节有最小的压力。这种低冲击运动可以在任何强度水平和can help improve your range of motion. To increase upper body strength, focus on strokes such as freestyle, breast stroke, side stroke, or backstroke. For a lower body workout, try holding onto a kickboard and kicking your feet to propel you through the water.

aqua aerobics

Aqua Aerobics Works Your Entire Body

Aqua Aerobics是另一种在您的关节上提供最小的压力。有氧运动在水中为上半身和下半身提供了良好的心血管锻炼。如果你不是一个强大的游泳运动员,它也是一个很好的选择,因为练习可以在浅水区进行,你可以忍受。使用Aqua重量在水中锻炼是一种绝佳培训,而不会对您的关节产生影响的绝佳方式。

two women walking together

Walking Is Easy on Your Joints

行走是一种多功能的有氧运动,在您的关节方面很容易。你走的速度无关紧要 - 你会得到心血管的好处。如果外面的天气不利于走路,请尝试加入室内行走小组。如果您不能走到外面,您当地的健身房的室内轨道或跑步机是一个很好的选择。尝试走路的间隔跑步if you are not experiencing joint pain with impact exercises. Use a fitness tracker to gradually increase your distance goal.

Strength Training Takes the Stress off

力量训练在improvin是至关重要的g muscle elasticity. It will also help take the stress off of weak joints by strengthening the muscles around them. It is an important component of improving balance, range of motion, and bone density. Start with strengthening exercises without added weights, including squats, leg raises, and modified push-ups. Slowly work your way up to using strength training machines or light weights—soup cans or filled water bottles work well.

Senior woman in plank position


抵抗训练使用自己的体重,而不是传统的体重训练的关节压力。您可以使用各种频带或轻量级来执行将有助于提高您的余额以及骨密度。墙壁蹲下,修改的俯卧撑, abdominal strengthening exercises, planks, and pelvic bridging are great examples of resistance exercises that can improve your core strength and posture.

Stretching Is Critical

A regular stretching routine is a critical component of any physical fitness program. Stretching helps to increase circulation and blood flow, maintain good range of motion in your upper and lower extremities, improve flexibility, reduce joint stiffness, and develop and achieve strength. Stretching can also help you improve posture and minimize chronic pain in muscles and joints. Resistance bands can also be used in your stretching routine.

Flexibility Exercises Promote Range of Motion

In addition to stretching, incorporating flexibility exercises to increase your range of motion is important to reduce pain and inflammation.修改瑜伽,普拉提和太极拳是运动款式的重要例子,可以有助于提高灵活性

Cycling Gets Your Heart Pumping

户外自行车骑马indoor spinningare cardiovascular exercises that get your heart rate up quickly. Since cycling is not weight-bearing, it is easier on your joints. Cycling can increase joint mobility and decrease joint stiffness for people living with RA.

Group of women enjoying modern dance fitness class together

Dancing Is Versatile—and Fun!

Dancing is a fun, low-impact way to work out. Whether it’s taking aZumbaclass at the gym or doing “Just Dance” at home on your Wii in front of your TV, you’re sure to break a sweat and have a good time while doing it. All dance moves can be modified to be low-impact and easy on your joints. Even gentlekickboxing可以是让你的心脏速度没有影响或痛苦的好方法。

Kayaking Works Your Upper Body

Kayaking is an excellent upper body workout. It makes you use those often-neglected muscles in your upper back, shoulders, and arms. You can do it at your own pace and enjoy some great outdoor views while you paddle, giving the muscles and joints in your lower body a break for a change. For extra safety, wearing a life jacket while kayaking is recommended.


The benefits of exercise for RA are numerous. But listen to your body—don’t proceed with any exercise if you feel pain or discomfort. If you are having a flare, consider dividing up your exercise throughout the day (e.g., walking for 10 minutes at three different times during the day instead of 30 minutes all at once). You will still get the cardiovascular and joint mobility benefits. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns about your exercise program.

Meet Our Writer
Carmen Roberts, M.S., R.D., L.D.N.
