Second Opinion: Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Is a Viable Alternative to Opioids
根据2011年的数据,来自医学研究所(IOM)的报告,美国中美国1亿人患有慢性疼痛。之后的报告显示这个数字更接近to 50 million.
广泛使用阿片类药物来治疗疼痛始于1980年代,,,,and in 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there were 16,000 deaths nationwide related to opioid use.
目前Medicare报销了许多阿片类药物,并没有建立指导方针或协议。什么是明确的长期阿片类药物用户become increasingly “used to dosages,” and despite the death rates attributed to opioids, these patients can often function on incredibly high daily dosages. Someone new to the drug could be severely compromised or even die if initially prescribed dosages in that range.
State workers’ compensation systems (California, Washington, Utah, Texas) and the Veterans Administration currently use ACOEM, Official Disability Guidelines orODG.(以证据为基础的医疗和返回工作指南),或其自己的指导方针,授权使用阿片类药物来治疗四个痛苦领域。但是,有一个明显的运动,修改和减少处方,剂量和方案持续时间的数量主流医学界定期规定。ACOEM在2014年底发布了最新的指导方针,ACOEM Practice Guidelines: Opioids for Treatment of Acute, Subacute, chronic and Post-Operative Pain.
Every guideline is based on MED or morphine equivalent dose。典型的吗啡当量每日剂量为30毫克吗啡(口服)每次4至6小时,等于每天120-180毫克吗啡“或其等同物”。因此,如果分配的药物是Dilaudid,则给予吗啡当量剂量为7.5mg,每30毫克吗啡,或每日30-45mg的Med。许多治疗方案only red-flag dosesat or beyond an MED of 120 mg. The California Medical Board proposed an upper limit to flag an MED above 80 mg daily in 2014, and ODG guidelines offered the same cutoff. Currently there is consideration by the Division of Workmen’s Compensation (DWC) to lower their guidelines to flag use above an MED of 50 mg daily. Many of the organizations mentioned also want to propose new guidelines for “annual attempts to wean patients off opioids entirely.”
疾病控制中心释放了latest guidelinesfor prescribing opioids for chronic pain in March 2016. It recognizes the role that opioids play in the management of certain cases of pain, but it also recommends certain non-opioid therapies when:
这risks of use outweigh the benefits;
When opioids are indeed indicated but use (dose, frequency) should be tapered as quickly as possible;
When pain exceeds 90 days duration.
ACOEM 2014指南反映了对疼痛研究的近264,617篇文章的评论,至少有263项实际研究和157项研究认为高质量或中等质量。对于四种疼痛情况,每一个都有一组全面而周到的准则that attempts to provide pain control but that also aims to avoid drug dependence.它仍然允许医生单独确定是否超过建议的最大每日剂量或更长的治疗阶段。That’s because none of the studies used to generate the 2014 guidelines involved patients with chronic pain (not of cancer origin) on longer term opioid therapy. The one thing this new set of guidelines seems to support, at least by California policymakers, is placing limits on employer payments for long term use of阿片类药物。
If you are someone suffering with severe慢性疼痛,,,,that last statement likely scares you. It shouldn’t. There are a number of therapies that may have the potential to help you to either avoid taking opioids, to limit the time you are on an opioid drug regimen, or to help wean you from opioids. Experts including physiatrists and interventional pain specialists as well as疗法和骨疗法医生可以评估您的疼痛状况并创建一个有助于限制阿片类药物的计划,取代或增强具有非药物治疗的药物的使用。物理疗法is one such option.大约20分钟的运动等于12毫克羟考酮,来自疼痛缓解能力Too often patients don’t understand that their chronic pain is an indicator of tissue damage or tissue sensitivity —他们的“止痛警报”设置得太高了and treating that problem with medications won’t resolve it.
我与南卡罗来纳州Greenville的ATI物理治疗的物理治疗师达到汤姆丹尼斯,DPT,OCS,Faaompt。他对待患者慢性疼痛on a regular basis. Here are some of my questions and the answers he supplied:
“有些人有长期的机械抱怨,例如膝盖困扰,他们通常在传统的PT(加强等)方面做得很好。当我们谈论慢性疼痛,这些通常不是我们正在谈论的患者。Central Sensitivityis a blanket term we talk about when someone has more multi-regional or complex pain (chronic low back pain), chronic neck pain,纤维肌痛,,,,chronic fatigue syndrome,,,,Lyme’s disease, etc.). We also have patients with complex regional pain syndrome where their presentation is very intense and unique.”
“一个病人,医院迎宾,遭受chronic neck pain, jaw pain, and headaches, which had persisted for many years. She was about to lose her job due to frequent absences and was forced to go onto FMLA. She had seen multiple PTs and chiropractors who had convinced her something was wrong with her alignment, posture, etc. In truth, she was someone who had a lot going on in her life, was scared of movement and her pain, and had completely lost her independence and locus of control. We took a hands-off approach of care (no manual therapy) because she had become reliant on getting manipulated, so we helped to educate her and systematically introduce strengthening, which proved effective.To this day, I still get emails from her that she is doing great, is gainfully employed, and off all medication. She sticks in my head because she shared afterward that she wasvery close to suicide这次旅程救了她的生活!“
我还通过电子邮件与教授朱莉·马丁(Julie Martin)交谈,后者能够通过物理疗法解决她的疼痛问题,从而使她的疼痛药物治疗方案大大减少。她曾经服用六种治疗方案,非常高剂量,每天减少到一种药物。她向我讲述,她“无法完成诸如卸下洗碗机或去杂货店购物之类的基本日常任务。我是一个非常独立的人,所以必须寻求帮助的帮助对我来说非常令人沮丧。此外,由于痛苦,仅仅在工作中度过一天非常具有挑战性。”
“When you have a problem like背痛这会影响日常生活,我认为重要的是尝试所有可能的选择。我发现,与所有给您照顾的人交流是关键。我的医生是第一次将我转交给治疗师的人,我继续与她签到我的进步。我的治疗师就我在家和私人教练应该做的伸展运动和练习提供了很好的建议。他还帮助我表达了我从massageso I could communicate well with mymassage therapist。I also made adjustments in my daily routine that made a huge difference, like using a standing desk. All these things worked well together, and my physical therapist was the point person for helping me to understand how each thing was contributing to my progress.”
Pharmacies are also getting in on the fight against the opioid epidemic.CVS宣布它将将一些阿片类药物限制为7天。