Living With Anxiety: Should You Join A Support Group?

通过Eileen Bailey 健康作家


治疗和药物有助于减少焦虑症状,但根据研究,支持小组也可以在你的康复中发挥重要作用American Psychological Association(APA)。在支持小组的安全范围内,你可以分享如何应对症状、如何与亲友交谈,或者如何庆祝你为克服焦虑情绪所采取的措施。一个支持小组让你有机会与那些不会评判你的人在一起,他们了解患上焦虑症的感觉。支持小组以授权为基础。


Support groups usually have anywhere from five to 15 people who share a common issue. You might find a support group specific to your type of anxiety, such as a group that deals with创伤后应激障碍或者社交焦虑症。或者你可以选择加入一个更广泛的群体,其中包括患有任何类型焦虑症的人。

许多支持小组每周开会一次,每次一小时。会议通常有一个主题,比如应对恐慌症ormanaging anxiety in the workplace.会议可以从一个关于管理焦虑的特定技能的信息演示开始,然后开始讨论,包括提问、分享经验和想法的时间。小组通常由有执照的治疗师领导,但有些小组是由患有焦虑症的人发起和推动的,他们想分享他们在焦虑中生活的经验。



Some of the benefits of joining a support group include:

  • 建立联系和发展支持网络

  • 感到被理解和接受

  • Talking with people who can relate to your struggles

  • 培养应对焦虑的新技能

  • 更好地理解和接受焦虑症



Not everyone finds support groups beneficial, and some people might find they need more individual therapy before venturing into a group setting. Other drawbacks can include:

  • Finding it difficult to speak in front of other people

  • 如果你不想采纳他们的建议,在小组中发现一些人可能会被冒犯

  • 很难在别人面前公开自己的感受

  • 从个体化治疗中获益更多


Finding a support group


When you find a group, plan on attending a few sessions before deciding whether the group is right for you. For example, some support groups might center discussions around symptom sharing, which might be helpful once or twice but won’t provide you with skills for managing anxiety, improving relationships, or relaxation techniques. If the group isn’t led by a therapist, ask about the leader’s experience with anxiety and leading groups. Talk to other people in the group to make sure it is a good fit.

这个re are also a number of online support groups. These are online communities that post messages, questions, and responses related to anxiety. With online groups, it can be more difficult to create lasting connections. Some communities may have hundreds of members, and you may find that each discussion hosts a different group of people. But many people find online support groups to be quite helpful. Although there haven’t been many studies specifically on internet support groups for anxiety, a 2012这项研究发表在《华尔街日报》上公共科学图书馆一号研究发现,在6个月和12个月的随访中,互联网支持组中的抑郁症患者抑郁症状显著减少。

An online support group can still offer you the ability to talk to others with your condition. Online support groups may also help you be more open about your symptoms with the people in your life and medical professionals.

这个following are resources for finding a support group:

Eileen Bailey

艾琳·贝利(Eileen Bailey)是一位获奖作家,著有六本关于健康和育儿主题的书籍,并是一名自由撰稿人,专攻多动症、焦虑症、性健康、皮肤护理、牛皮癣和皮肤癌等健康主题。她的愿望是为读者提供有关健康状况的相关实用信息,帮助他们做出有关医疗保健的明智决定。