嗨,希拉,没有人想看到自己的孩子遭受任何痛苦,我理解,并能同情你。我不愿看到我的孩子们受苦。我要讲几个要点,所以请耐心听我说,好吗?首先,我很高兴你和学校一起采取行动,他们也在积极主动地采取行动。对于学生来说,504计划并没有一个固定的答案。答案很大程度上取决于你女儿的偏头痛诱因,当然,也取决于她的个人需求。你可能想和她的高中辅导员和医生谈谈这个话题。她的医生应该能够帮助你预测她的需求,而咨询师也应该有为其他学生做过的事情的经验。很多父母都经历过你们现在的处境。她真的不能再忍受这种日复一日的疼痛了。 Has the doctor offered anything to break the cycle? Unfortunately, there can be times when a migraine just doesn't respond to the medications we have, and it goes on and on. Seeing as her regular medications haven't stopped this Migraine, it's time to talk to the doctor about breaking this cycle. Sometimes, a steroid taper such as a Medrol DosePack will break the migraine. Sometimes, the best treatment for intractable migraines that aren't responding to medications is IV infusion therapy to get the cycle broken. Which leads me into my next point. It may be a good idea to see a "true" migraine specialist. I say that often here, but it really is the one thing that can make all the difference in the world. You see while neurologists may be fine doctors, they have a hard time being experts in one area. This is because they treat so many conditions like MS, epilepsy and stroke. A migraine specialist is just that, an expert who treats one condition - your daughters - migraines and headache disorders. I hope you find this information helpful, please let me know how you make out, Nancy