
byDavid Mendosa 病人倡导者


The "really bad fats," according to Barry Sears of区域fame, are saturated fats, trans fats, and arachidonic acid. He多不饱和脂肪被称为花生四烯酸acid "may be the most dangerous fat known when consumed in excess."



大多数卫生当局,包括美国糖尿病协会,仍然建议低脂饮食。这是Ancel Keys的遗产,一位医生对我们自己的善恶都太有说服力。他说服了美国医疗机构,脂肪是坏的,当这些专家们分析“七个国家的研究”时,碳水化合物很好。该研究似乎展现了心血管疾病与饱和脂肪酸的摄入之间的强烈关联。

It didn't. One of the great strengths of the new book,良好的卡路里,卡路里不好通过Gary Taubes,他是如何彻底暴露与心脏问题相关的甜味证据。皇帝,钥匙,象征性地没有衣服。

但是,当我们遵循低碳水化合物饮食时 - 意味着我们相应地增加我们吃多少脂肪 - 矛盾的事情发生。“你实际上可以吃更多饱和的脂肪,并在康涅狄格大学的助理学副教授杰夫S.Volek,博士杰夫S. Volek,博士表示,杰夫S.Volek,博士表示,杰夫S.Volek,博士说。




Dr. Volek and his associates studied 40 overweight men and women for 12 weeks. They compared the results of the two groups on a very low-carb diet (35 grams of net carbs and 100 grams of fat, including 36 saturated grams) with a low-fat diet (191 grams of net carbs and 24 grams of fat, including 12 saturated grams). Both groups ate about 1500 calories per day.


"That's exactly right," Dr. Volek told me. "The main connection is with insulin. You can't ignore the carbohydrate-insulin axis. It's basic metabolism. You are taught in your elementary biochemistry that insulin is an anabolic hormone and it stimulates anabolic factors. So it promotes lipogenesis through a variety of transcription factors and at the same time inhibits lipid oxidation too, the lipase. No one argues that."

But that's as far as people have gone with it. Until now.

"Where people don't make the connection is that diet can actually impact that hormone, and that affects some of these outcomes that we are looking at," Dr. Volek continued. "It is really showing carbohydrate as a control element of metabolism and its effects on insulin."

They found that the very low-carb diet had a greater anti-inflammatory effect. It significantly reduced a couple of markers, particularly palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7), which is a well accepted surrogate for lipogenesis. That and the increased fat activation are the mechanisms, Dr. Volek says.

It must be hard for the establishment to swallow the saturated fat story. But it is probably throwing up on the new arachadonic acid research.


How is this possible?

"There has been this negative view of arachadonic acid, primarily because people have focused on its products rather than the intact fatty acid itself," Dr. Volek told me. "It is indeed the source of a lot of proinflammatory ecosanoids that promote inflammation and thrombosis and so forth, but that is only if it is acted upon by the oxygenators or if it comes in contact with molecular oxygen."

On a low-carb diet the difference is that we have less oxidative stress. So the arachadonic acid doesn't degrade. Its proportion in the membranes actually increases. In fact, the higher the arachadonic acid went up the less the inflammation, Dr. Volek told me.

"That is a totally new concept," he says. "There are a lot of misunderstandings and over-generalizations about arachadonic acid. We actually need to view arachadonic acid as a positive thing. It contributes to fluidity in membranes."

I couldn't resist asking Dr. Volek a personal question. "Do you follow a low-carb diet yourself?" I asked.

"I do," he replied. "I am happy to say that I am not a hypocrite."



I asked him what comes next in his research. He says that he will study qualitative factors.

I told Dr. Volek that as I switched to a higher fat diet I am finding that the fats that I really like are cream cheeses and stuff like that, which are pure fat. I wonder whether it matters what the source of the fat is?


我也想知道先进的糖化终端产品(AGEs). Are they as important a consideration on a low-carb diet as they clearly are on the standard high carb diet?

Dr. Volek says that A1C, which does go down when people follow a low-carb diet, is the only AGE marker that low-carb trials have measured. "But it is something that definitely needs to be pursued and documented."

I will, of course, pursue Dr. Volek and his further research and report his further findings here. Be prepared for even more paradoxes in this important and fascinating story of fat metabolism.

Meet Our Writer
David Mendosa

David Mendosa was a journalist who learned in 1994 that he had type 2 diabetes, which he wrote about exclusively.他于2017年5月在与糖尿病无关的短暂疾病后去世。He wrote thousands of diabetes articles, two books about it, created one of the first diabetes websites, and published a monthly newsletter, “Diabetes Update.” His very low-carbohydrate diet, A1C level of 5.3, and BMI of 19.8 kept his diabetes in remission without any drugs until his death.