The Functional Food Plan for Improved Heart Health

byAmy Hendel, P.A. Health Writer

功能药物识别利用以系统为导向的方法解决疾病的潜在原因,从而在治疗伙伴关系中吸引患者和健康专业人士。它是一种以患者为中心的医学和疾病方法,看着整个人,而不是专注于个体症状。大量时间是从患者挑逗患者的综合历史上,然后看看影响健康和疾病的遗传,环境和生活方式相互作用。We are all born with a certain gene set, but the choices we make and the exposures we experience can directly influence our susceptibility to disease or whether or not we achieve optimal health.

纽约最近一融化的健康研讨会,纽约州Kristi Hughes讨论了food-first approachto intercepting metabolic syndrome, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and dyslipidemia. At the core of the presentation was the question, “Does food matter when it comes to heart health?”

The ABCD evaluation

At the heart of functional medicine and the treatment of metabolic syndrome,high blood pressure血脂血症, among other health conditions, is the initial evaluation. The ABCD method covers:

人体测定学- 采用腰部大小,BMI,血压,脉冲等特定测量,并使用生物阻碍评估体脂。

Biomarkers- 使用血液工作和实验室测试,包括CBC,脂质型材,空腹血糖(FBS)和客观疾病诊断的胰岛素水平。

Clinical indicators- 彻底检查口腔,皮肤,心血管和周围神经系统。

Diet, nutrition and overall lifestyle journal(that the patient shares) – how, when, why, what the person eats, sleep patterns, thyroid symptoms, and then assessing what is contributing to ongoing disease(s) or symptoms.


  • 血管免疫功能障碍

  • Inflammation

  • Oxidative stress

  • 我tabolic dysfunction


Poly-pills or poly-meals to treat poly-ills普通的美国痛苦metabolic syndrome, hypertension血脂血症is likely taking a他汀类药物,一种或多种抗高血压药物,阿司匹林和可能叶酸。营养领域的专家知道,随着体重减轻和运动,地中海风格的饮食,the DASH diet和富含抗氧化的水果和蔬菜,杏仁,黑巧克力,少量葡萄酒,鱼和大蒜等食物,其他食物和草药可以积极影响这些疾病。研究表明,遵守日常摄入,鱼类和ω-3富含食品的建议可以将CVD的风险降低到20-30%,也导致死亡率降低和增加的寿命。In functional medicine, promotion of a healthy diet is considered a cornerstone in the prevention of heart disease.**Food alone can result in medical transformations**

While functional medicine does recognize that environmental toxins can cause a host of ailments, and other stressors including lack of sleep andhigh levels of anxiety可以煽动疾病,纪律强调使用饮食作为治疗,然后当然,在必要时使用传统的药物和其他疗法。

The cardio-metabolic food plan可以个性化,但其核心功能包括一个全面的,定制的食品列表,考虑到:

  • Specific macronutrient percentages (proteins, fats, carbohydrates)

  • 纤维目标

  • 如果需要减肥或体重增加,则为卡路里特定目标

  • Serving size information

  • The “don’t list” oftrigger foods to avoid because they impair gut microbe balance, or instigate disease risk or frank diseases (sugars, trans fats, highly processed and refined foods, charred meats, fast food, and sweet drinks)

Many foods offer therapeutic impact like pre and probiotic foods,fish oil和omega-3 fatty acids,anti-inflammatory foods, and herbs like turmeric, so these foods may feature prominently in the tailored eating plan. Since there can be other ongoing health issues, in addition to CVD, metabolic syndrome and hypertension, the whole person approach to nutrition might address goals including: weight gain, weight loss, relieving joint pain, improving immune response, reducing asthma, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions, among other symptoms and diseases.

A mostly plant-based diet for CVD: A metabolic resehere’s been plenty of research to support the use of a plant-based diet to support cardiovascular health.Fruits and vegetables tend to be mostly low in calories, full of fiber, high in nutrient density and low in sodium. Consuming five or more servings daily is associated with a lower risk of CVD. A high intake of fruits and vegetables is also associated with lower blood pressure. Soluble fiber and plant-based sterols may also have an LDL-lowering effect.A Mediterranean-style dietrich in vegetables, olive oil, legumes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, spices and herbs, with modest amounts of poultry and fish, very low amounts of meat, dairy, and low to moderate amounts of wine has been shown to help to lower blood pressure and markers for cardiac disease. The Lyon Diet Heart Study showed reduction of mortality, CVD and neoplastic disease with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.

这些膳食建议可以帮助减少腰部大小,improving HDL,改善甘油三酯水平,降低收缩系和舒张压数,改善葡萄糖曲线。沿途,炎症降低,渴望和食物上瘾通常分辨,血糖稳定,肠道微生物组是平衡的,整体健康得到改善。

The functional medicine prescription

In addition to the cardio-metabolic food plan, a functional medicine prescription will also offer sleep and行使建议,压力管理, supplements and medications when indicated. This program can intercept CVD, metabolic syndrome and hypertension, as well as prediabetes and diabetes. Allyou必须做的是“购买”食物可以治愈或引起疾病的现实。您的饮食(和生活方式)选择在很大程度上决定了您的健康状况。


我et Our Writer
Amy Hendel, P.A.

被称为“healthgal”,amy hendel p.a.是医疗和生活方式记者,营养和健身专家,卫生教练和品牌大使。她培训为医生助理,她在纽约和洛杉矶维护了健康教练私人惯例。健康家庭的四种习惯的作者,在Twitter @ healthgal1103和Facebook @thehealthgal找到她。在HealthGal.com查看“每日健康新闻”。她的个人口头禅?“首先用食物,健身和生活方式来修复它。”