
经过伊丽莎白罗伯茨 患者专家

如果你有炎症性肠病(IBD) - 结肠炎或克罗恩 - 然后你可能知道结肠中的炎症是这些疾病的标志性标志或症状。您也可能知道在研究中表现出压力,以引起身体的炎症。

According to a study published by Carnegie Mellon University (1) April 2, 2012, “Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. Until now, it has not been clear exactly how stress influences disease and health. Now researchers have found that chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate the inflammatory response. The research shows for the first time that the effects of psychological stress on the body’s ability to regulate inflammation can promote the development and progression of disease.”

虽然压力不是causeIBD或任何其他自身免疫疾病,最有可能影响疾病发病和/或进展的多种因素之一。我对UC的个人经历是任何善良的心理,环境和/或身体的压力 - 可以使我的UC症状更糟糕。

In the naturopathic and nutrition world, we often discuss the concept of “total load” with our clients. According to Dr. Frank Lipman, total load “refers to the total number of factors or burdens that are involved in causing disease or preventing you from getting well or staying ill. (2)”


Sugar in excessive amounts– Sugar is found in nearly all packaged, pre-made and commercially canned or jarred foods. The typical American eats far too much sugar.

我们吃的食物中的农药,化学品,抗生素和激素- 尽可能地畅销,尽可能多地选择有机,牧草,无抗生素和激素的食物。没有毒素在食物中,我们的身体很容易工作得更好。

脱水- 我们中的许多人都是长期脱水的,仅那个人会导致我们的身体生病。苏打水,咖啡,含咖啡茶和含糖水分和维生素从身体中喝水。纯净过滤的水应该是我们一天的主要饮料。

Excess chemicals在我们吃的食物中,我们使用的个人护理产品以及我们使用的家庭清洁剂。寻找更多的自然替代品www.ewg.org.

药物,处方,OTC和娱乐 - 身体使用大量资源过滤掉这些产品中的毒素。

食物过敏或敏感性- 咨询一个过敏师,营养顾问或Naturopath,他们可以帮助确定某些食物是否会影响您的健康。

缺乏阳光- 自然阳光和阳光对您的情绪和身体健康至关重要。裸体皮肤上的阳光(20-30分钟/天)是获得每日剂量维生素D的最佳方式,这已知有助于免疫系统和改善情绪。

缺乏恢复睡眠– The average body needs at least seven hours of deep, REM-producing sleep every night.

Day-to-day stress- 我们的生活非常忙碌,虽然可能很困难,但我们需要学会为自己制作和花时间。

工作场所压力 -会议的最后期限,被埋在工作可以等于offect you outside the office.

家庭生活压力– Do you have laughter, love and fulfilling relationships in your life? All of these are vitally important to one’s feelings of happiness, self-worth and meaning in life.



  • 瑜伽,气功,太极拳,冥想

  • 阅读乐趣

  • 着色(是的,即使是成年人也可以彩色 - 或油漆,画,剪影,雕刻,陶器或摄影)

  • 填字游戏,查找 - 单词或谜题

  • Knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, sewing

  • 木工,橱柜

  • 园艺



  1. 谢尔顿科恩,丹尼斯·······德伊尔,威廉J.Doyle,格雷戈里E.米勒,艾伦弗兰克,布鲁斯S.拉比和罗纳德B.特纳。Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation, and disease riskPNA.,2012年4月2日Doi:10.1073/pnas.1118355109

  2. http://www.dranklipman.com/what-is-the-total-load/

伊丽莎白罗伯茨is a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Natural Chef who also lives with IBD. She focuses her work on Digestive Wellness and enjoys working primarily with other IBDers. You can contact her at naturalfoodschef@gmail.com or visit her website at: www.eatlivelocally.com

