Traditional vs. Alternative Treatment

by艾琳贝利 Health Writer

传统上,adhd是treated with a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Alternative treatments are any other treatments that claim to either cure or treat symptoms of ADHD, for example: herbal remedies, chiropractic care, EEG neurotherapy, diet, and megavitamins.



Alternative treatments are not required to be approved by the FDA before sale to the public. They may use less scientific methods such as limited studies to prove their claims. They may provide customer testimonials. This is not necessarily an indication of ineffectiveness or effectiveness. Consumers should be aware, however, that they have not be rigorously tested and in some cases may be harmful in used incorrectly. Again, the best approach to using alternative treatments would be to discuss thoroughly with your physician before incorporating such methods into your treatment plan.

In order to assess the effectiveness of an alternative treatment, you may want to do some research on your own. Some things to look for are:

  1. Does the product contain specific directions on how to use?

  2. 包装上是否清楚地列出了成分?

  3. Does the treatment contain information on possible side effects, warnings, and possible interaction with other medications or foods?

  4. What does the product claim that it can do for you? Does it claim that it will "cure" ADHD? (There is no cure.) Does it claim that it is effective for everyone? (No treatment is equally effective for everyone.)

  5. What scientific studies, if any, were completed to back up claims of effectiveness? Is the company able to provide you with information on where the studies have been documented or published? How many studies have been completed? Do the studies include control groups?

  6. Does the company rely specifically on customer testimonials to back up claims? Is there any scientific data or studies to go along with testimonials? (Customer testimonials only may indicate that there is either no scientific data or the data does not agree with the testimonials.)

  7. 产品是如何描述的?在描述治疗方面,是“神奇的”或“令人惊叹”或“突破”的词?(有什么备份这些索赔?)

  8. 公司是否使用“攻击技术”销售其产品/他们是否会缩小传统治疗,试图吓到您的产品?公司是否攻击传统的医疗?(他们是否试图以恐吓战术出售你的东西?)

  9. How is the treatment promoted? Do reputable medical doctors back up the treatment or do they use self-published books, infomercials, mail order or websites? Is the treatment promoted by self-published books, infomercials or mail order/web sites?

  10. Has your physician heard about the treatment? Do they recommend this treatment for you and feel that it will complement your current treatment plan?

  11. 您的保险计划是否会支付治疗费用?(Aetna提供可接受的待遇清单,以及他们不会根据缺乏同行评审的医学文献来支持其网站的治疗方法。)

  12. Lastly, can you find information on the treatment on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website? This site will provide information on warning letters that have been sent to companies for promoting products base on undocumented claims.

Some of the alternative treatments are:


"ADHD- Unproven Treatments." American Academy of Pediatrics.

”有限公司mplementary and Alternative Treatments." National Resource Center on ADHD. Mar 2006.

Bernard-Bonnin, Dr. Anne-Claude. "The use of alternative therapies in treating children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder." Canadian Pediatrics Committee. 2003.

Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.