与克罗恩一起旅行:如何管理从家里的IBD Flare

经过Brian Greenberg 病人倡导者

When some patients听到“旅行”的话和“IBD”他们想到了这个问题:“怎么样?”Since living on the Crohn’s-disease or ulcerative-colitis roller coaster isn’t easy, you like to be around your creature comforts — places and situations that make you feel comfortable — this way if, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) were ever to strike, you won’t feel out of place.

But is that any way to live? You don’t want miss out on seeing new places or opportunities because of your IBD. I’ve always said that with the right planning and preparation, anything is possible, but I now know that this doesn’t just mean physically — it means mentally, too.


One or two days before the trip, I started to feel a little weaker than normal, but nothing that was upsetting me yet. There were some common symptoms in my life, such as nausea and chronic pain, which I’ve sadly gotten used to, so I began packing and getting ready as normal. I even packed all of my cycling and running gear to train in both cities for my triathlons.

Everything was set and I thought I was ready for anything. But was I?




I was prepared, so I called my doctor and asked him to call in a prescription for Prednisone to the nearest pharmacy. About an hour later, I had something to keep me out of the hospital. But it wasn’t over yet. For my Crohn’s it still takes 36 hours or so for the Prednisone to really kick in. I still had to be on alert.



Since the Prednisone obviously needed more time to work, I had to start laying out a plan and communicating my problem to those in my support network. Since I was now going to the bathroom every 15 to 30 minutes with my ostomy dumping, I couldn’t get in the car and drive back home. I couldn’t even be certain to make it from exit to exit. So, what did I do?

I began the process to get through the remainder of the trip and I was able to do it successfully, even though it wasn’t an easy few days, by any means.




情况并非如此。我们需要让我们的损失ved ones and support network know what is going on. They have been there for you in the past for a reason. They understand IBD. They know it’s not your fault, sodon’t hesitate to reach out for help. They will be supportive and help you through the battle.


Your doctor might not always be available at a moment's notice. If you are going on a long trip or if you’re starting to feel a little off, make sure you have any medications that you might need ahead of time. If you know your IBD case well, you’ll be prepared and know what you need.



If you’re an educated and well-prepared patient, you’ll not only plan out your trip but also be ready for anything. This means knowing what hospital options you might have in the area and even doctors that might be a part of your care.

Don’t hesitate to call your own gastroenterologist and see if they know anyone in the area, if you’re afraid of what might happen if you have a flare away from home. Also, make sure you know if your insurance is accepted and will cover you at any hospital you might have to visit. The last thing you would want is a large cloud of debt hanging over your head because you didn’t know your care wouldn’t be covered.

Pharmacy Runs

When you have a flare on the road, the easiest thing to do to at least get things under control is to call your doctor and get a prescription called in that will help you. But it won’t end there, you will likely also make pharmacy runs to pick up other creature comforts.







In the end, we all need to travel from time to time. We can’t just sit in our homes the rest of our lives and not doing anything. Whether it be for work or pleasure, you will end up traveling at some point. And at that point you have to be ready and relaxed.


Brian Greenberg

Diagnosed at 11 which makes his Crohn’s career 24 years. After countless surgeries of various levels, Brian decided for ostomy surgery. Now he's lived with an ostomy 7 years and made it permanent 4 years ago. Doing everything he can to overcome his disease and live a normal life. Brian is also a Social Ambassador for the IBD HealthCentral Facebook page.