Treatment of Foot Pain: How to Care for Our Feet

byCeleste Cooper, RN Health Professional

Did you knowour feet talk? It’s true. Our feet can tell us about our overall health. Take a minute toreview what our feet tell us.

If our foot pain is more than soreness from normal wear and tear created by their performance under pressure, it’s time to consider a treatment plan. Plans vary depending on what is causing our foot pain. It is not a one-shoe-fits-all approach. Foot pain can have avariety of causes,symptoms, and individualized treatments.


What was required to treat my foot pain may very well be different than what you may need. Conservative treatment for my bone spurs and corns failed to resolve my foot pain, so I visited a podiatrist, a specialized physician and surgeon that specializes in foot care. My treatment included surgical removal. Other treatments might include:

  • Rest

  • Splints

  • Ice

  • Warm water soaks

  • Physical therapy

  • Occupational therapy

  • A trip to the podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon

  • Wound care

  • Local injections

  • Myofascial treatment

  • Orthotics (inserts or special shoes that provide the necessary support)

  • Posture modifications

  • Addressing weak muscles from the tips of your toes to your buttocks

  • A change in activity or certain behaviors

  • Footwear adjustments, which might include special inserts or specially made shoes

  • Management of underlying health problems

  • Diabetic foot care

  • Assessment of medications that might be a contributing factor

  • Medications to treat the underlying cause

  • Surgery to remove a lump, scarring, bone spur, or entrapped nerve

  • Exercises, including stretching and rebuilding muscle strength

You may not need to take that next step. But stay alert to your symptoms. See your doctor if they affect your quality of life or if your problems contribute to additional health risks.

Meet Our Writer
Celeste Cooper, RN

Celeste Cooper, R.N., is a freelance writer focusing on chronic pain and fibromyalgia. She is lead author of Integrative therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain and the Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See-Saw of Chronic Pain book series. She enjoys her family, writing and advocating, photography, and nature. Connect with Celeste through Twitter @PainedInkSlayer.