
通过Jennifer l .费、心理学。 健康专家

如果你在我的帖子之后,你会记得,外部触发因素是发生在我们自身之外的事情,通常是(但并非总是如此)intimately linked with an internal trigger, such as a thought, feeling, memory, image, or身体感觉.



Fluorescent Lights

Things experienced by senses (Sights, Sounds, Smells)




Another good example of a potentially over-stimulating environment is some shopping malls. When I first started working as a therapist I lived near a very large and popular shopping mall with many major department stores. There was one large department store in particular that I thought was amazingly designed. The floor plan was essentially a circle, with various entrances and exits to both the parking lot and the mall. The interesting things to me were, however, that the exits were not clearly visible from many parts of the store, and it was extremely easy to lose track of where you had entered the store. In other words, it was easy to get lost in the store!

Other factors about the store (and common to many department stores) included the fact that it was brightly lit with fluorescent lighting and that it was often crowded. The combination of the layout, the lighting, and the crowdedness was over-stimulating for a number of my clients.

What situations do you find over-stimulating? Ask yourself while in different enviroments (restaurants, concerts, malls, etc) if you are being overstimulated.


In contrast to over-stimulation, under-stimulation occurs when there's not enough going on in our environments to keep our attention or keep us interested. In other words, situations that are boring can be anxiety provoking! One common example of under-stimulation is standing in line. Have you ever been in line in a grocery store where the line was moving really, really slowly? Have you notice what other people do? Countless times I have seen people turn around and complain about the store or its employees, either to me or another person in line.





Have you ever noticed what children do when standing in line at the grocery store? They play, explore, experiment, or pull on the pants of their caregiver. In other words, they keep themselves busy. While you might not want to duck your head down and see what it looks like under the magazine rack at the grocery store, you can read the covers of the magazines, or pick one up and thumb through it. You could talk to the person next to you in line.

If your focus is on something absorbing, there's less room to pay attention to bodily symptoms or anxious thoughts. However, sometimes anxious thoughts are extremely powerful and it is difficult to get absorbed into some other activity.
In my finally post of this series, I will discuss flourescent lights and things experienced by the senses. Meanwhile, keep searching for your anxiety triggers!

Jennifer l .费、心理学。

Jennifer Fee is Director of Vision Quest Psychological Services. She is a psychologist licensed to practice in the State of California. She wrote for HealthCentral as a health professional for Anxiety Disorders.