Vitamin D Heart Health FAQ

byWilliam Davis, M.D. Health Professional

兴奋the health benefits ofvitamin Dhave, not unexpectedly, generated lots and lots of questions about how, why, and when to best use it.

Let's review some of the most frequent questions and answers about vitamin D.

Now, please keep in mind that much of this is my opinion, based on clinical experience replacing vitamin D in over 1000 patients. I've learned a lot of lessons along the way, and I'm still learning new lessons and making new observations. But this is the approach I have applied successfully and safely. (Please, always consult your doctor to discuss your unique health situation.)

My starting level of vitamin D was 19.4 ng/ml. I took 6000 units of vitamin D (yes, a gelcap) and my level increased to 59.8 ng/ml. My doctor then said it was okay to stop it.Do you agree with stopping vitamin D?

No. I absolutely do not agree with stopping your vitamin D, unless of course you have reason to believe you will be obtaining vitamin D from substantial sun exposure. But, if not, it is clear that once you stop supplementing vitamin D, your blood level will drift right back down to the prior level, since your body is not making it.

How often should vitamin D blood levels be checked?

There are no hard and fast rules to go by, but I have found every 6 months to work well. Ideally, the two blood levels are in mid-summer and mid-winter, giving you and your doctor an idea of the fluctuations of your vitamin D level. Contrary to what you hear in the media, I find that the majority of adults, particularly those over 40 years old, fail to activate much vitamin D on sun exposure. Most adults do not raise their blood level much more than 10-15 ng/ml even with summer sun exposure. However, there are occasional exceptions. That's why it's important to know your individual level of fluctuation.

I'm 56 years old and I like to get a tan in summer and occasionally use a tanning parlor in the winter months. Though my doctor is not wild about the tanning, he said that it was not necessary to check my blood level of vitamin D and I shouldn't add any additional vitamin D. Does that sound correct?

我不同意这个建议。一种晒黑不等于维生素D活化,特别是随着我们的年龄。我有许多患有来自延长假期的黑暗加勒比晒黑的患者,在缺乏的范围内显然是维生素D的血液水平,偶尔<20ng / ml。
The only confident way to know your vitamin D level, tan or no, is to check a blood level.



With rare exceptions, taking vitamin D is no more likely to interfere with medications than getting a tan (should you retain the ability to activate vitamin D). The only exceptions that I am aware of would be thyroid medication, which shouldn't be taken at the very same time as vitamin D; the old-fashioned cholesterol drug, cholestyramine, can prevent vitamin D from being absorbed, as can weight-loss fat-blocker, Xenical
®, or its over-the-counter equivalent, Alli
®. Rarely, thiazide diuretics can raise blood calcium and vitamin D can exaggerate this effect. (This may be a reason to have an occasional calcium level checked by your doctor.) There are also special issues if you are receiving treatment for cancer or have cancer; however, since some of the most excitingnew developments对于维生素D一直是癌症预防和治疗的世界,这是与您的医生或肿瘤科学家的严肃对话。


We live in Florida. My husband and I spend much of our day outdoors, since we are both retired.


No, I do not agree. Since you and your husband are retired, I assume that you are somewhere in your 60s or older. This means that much of the capacity for activation of vitamin D in your skin has been lost.

在65岁以下的迈阿密居民中进行了一项信息丰富的研究表明,冬季血液水平明显缺乏,血液水平约为25 ng / ml。但在夏天,它们在女性中的25 ng / ml含量较多,在男性中为31 ng / ml(平均值)。平均而言,男性和女性均从夏天到冬天养血14%。显然,我们走得更远的可能有点差。



I take fish oil capsules for heart health. This means I don't have to take vitamin D, right?

Nope, sorry.Fish oil是含有ω-3脂肪酸,EPA和DHA的鱼油;维生素D是维生素D.

也许这种混乱产生了鳕鱼肝油含有两者omega-3 fatty acidsand vitamin D. Much vitamin D is also made from fish oil, but the two components are separated to yield fish oil without vitamin D, and vitamin D without omega-3 fatty acids. Both exert their own independent benefits. In my view, both are best taken separately.

Why not just take cod liver oil and get both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D at the same time?


Is it possible to take too much vitamin D?

Yes, indeed it is.

维生素D毒性被血液钙的增加对异常高的范围证明,但如果您和您的医生正在监测维生素D的血液水平,维生素D当局对血液中的维生素D水平不同的程度有所罕见可以开始考虑有毒效应,其中一些提出水平低至80ng / ml,而其他提出高达150ng / ml。

我的目标是在患者中血液水平为60-70ng / ml。在1000名患者中,我没有发现由维生素D引起的钙增加的一集。尽管如此,继续前进的最安全的方法是始终检查维生素D的血液水平。当患者在患者中有异常情况时,我添加血钙钙情况,如高钙史,甲状旁腺功能亢进史,肾病,噻嗪类利尿剂,结节病等一些其他罕见情况。

但是,总而言之,维生素D是一个惊人的赋权,健康恢复或 - 思考策略,毒性是一种不寻常的发生。不要害怕维生素D;只需要了解其安全使用的一些特殊问题。


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Meet Our Writer
William Davis, M.D.

威廉R. Davis是一家米尔沃基的美国心脏病学家和作者。他为健康中央写作,作为心脏健康和高胆固醇的健康专业人士。