
经过Karen Lee Richards. 病人倡导者

Every纤维肌痛专家将告诉您,运动是任何必不可少的组成部分纤维肌痛治疗程序。然而,大多数纤维肌痛患者抱怨 - 具有有效的原因 - 这种运动是困难和痛苦的。那么纤维肌痛的人怎么能得到他们需要的运动,而不会让自己更加痛苦?水运动是一种好方法。



  • 水的浮力降低了重力的影响,占极为85%的体重。结果,搬家需要较少的努力,因为你不必支持你的整体体重。

  • The buoyancy of water also takes the weight off of your joints, allowing for more flexibility.

  • The hydrostatic pressure of water reduces joint swelling and inflammation, which makes exercising easier and less painful.

  • Water provides resistance, which helps you increase strength and improve balance.

  • 电阻因子也燃烧更多的卡路里。在水中进行的运动可以燃烧两倍的卡路里,因为在土地上的同样的运动。

  • 浸入水中促进松弛,减少肌肉疲劳,减少疼痛感知。

Types of Water Exercise

There is probably a water version of just about any kind of exercise you can think of. Of course swimming is the first type of water-related exercise most people think about. But there is also stretching in water, water walking, water jogging, water aerobics--even water kickboxing. One of the fastest growing forms of water exercise is water yoga, which uses modified versions of many of the upright yoga positions.



  • 与任何练习计划一样,在开始任何类型的水运动之前与您的医生联系。没有建议使用一些患者运动患者。

  • Find a program with a qualified instructor. Your local Arthritis Foundation and YMCA are good places to start looking. You might also ask your doctor or physical therapist for a recommendation.

  • Ask about the temperature of the pool. Since most people with纤维肌痛对寒冷非常敏感,游泳池的温度越接近体温,你将越舒适。但是,在没有医生许可的情况下,不要试图在热水浴缸中锻炼身体。只是坐在水中,热可以提高你的血压。在热水中锻炼可能是非常危险的。

  • 慢慢开始,每周锻炼不超过20至30分钟。逐渐增加你的时间,直到你工作45分钟到一个小时。

  • 不要过度。在水中锻炼可能是欺骗性的。因为你不觉得你是紧张的,因为没有意识到它很容易做太多。直到你在腰带下有几个会话,并知道在解决后的感受,请轻松。任何时候你感到疲倦,停止锻炼和放松在水中或离开游泳池。

  • 不要试图推动痛苦。如果您遇到新的或增加疼痛,请停止。

  • If a particular exercise is causing you pain, talk with your instructor. There may be an alternative way of doing the exercise or you may just need to sit that one out.

  • Relax, have fun and enjoy your newfound freedom of movement in the water!




Essert, Mary. "Why Water Works." Aquatic Resources Network. Jan. 13, 2003.


Assis,Marcos Renato,等。“深水跑步的随机对照试验:水生锻炼治疗纤维肌的临床效果。”关节炎和风湿病。55.1(2006年2月):57-65。


Jentoft,Eva Saltskar等。“基于池和陆基好氧运动对纤维肌痛/慢性普遍肌肉疼痛的影响。”关节炎和风湿病。45.1(2001年2月)42-47。


Karen Lee Richards.

Karen is the co-founder of the National Fibromyalgia Association. She writes for HealthCentral as a patient expert for Pain Management.