What Does Snoring Have to Do With Obesity?

很多。打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停等问题可以使其变得更加困难。找出连接背后的内容 - 你可以做些什么来获得你需要的其余部分。

经过露西maher Health Writer




“People with apnea struggle desperately to breathe while they’re sleeping,” saysPeter Fotinakes, M.D.,睡眠障碍中心的医疗主任在橙色,加利福尼亚州圣约瑟夫医院。“他们对空气的斗争终于唤醒了它们,他们的喉咙肌肉合同,弹出了呼吸暂停末端的喘息喘气和哼了一条喘息的气道。”

Even though you may not be necessarily aware every time this happens, your brain sure is. Each snort or gasp is a little arousal that ends up fragmenting your sleep. You either never get to the deep-sleep stage, or you don’t stay there long. That’s why people with apnea often experience extreme daytime drowsiness even when they think they’re slumbering through the night.

Trapped in a Vicious Cycle

这与规模?我f you’re obese and trying to slim down, your extra weight could be causing sleep apnea that’s getting in your way of success—leading to a vicious cycle. Being overweight or obese is its own risk factor for sleep apnea, according to the美国睡眠呼吸暂停协会,因为可能导致口腔和喉咙过量的软组织。

Beyond that physical connection, “lack of sleep then disrupts two hormones that affect appetite,” says Terry Cralle, R.N., a clinical sleep educator in Fairfax, VA. These so-called “hunger hormones” are leptin, which tells you when to stop eating, and ghrelin, which tells you it’s time to chow down. Numerousstudies发现睡眠缺乏导致瘦素水平下降,而Ghrelin将上升。这意味着你不仅感到饥饿,而且当你吃饭时你也不会觉得完全。


There’s evidence to support this sleep deprivation-junk food link. Astudy published in自然通信describes how 23 healthy adults deprived of a night’s sleep craved burgers, pizza, and donuts as opposed to the strawberries, apples, and carrots they preferred when they had a normal night’s sleep. They based this conclusion on results of brain scans that measure activity in various parts of the brain tied to motivation.

它的惊喜也很令人惊讶,如果你从睡眠中疲惫不堪,你也可能不那么有动力解决。“睡眠不足通常会让人们留下锻炼的能量[to keep weight controlled]那” Cralle notes—perpetuating the cycle.


The good news? You may be able to start dropping pounds again by treating your apnea and getting your sleep back on track.

首先,您将想与您的医生确认睡眠呼吸暂停实际上是责备 - 或者为您的持续肥胖造成贡献。“临床显着的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的可能性大大增加了30多个超过30岁,”Fotinakes博士说。“有特色打鼾的人,无论是否肥胖,也可能会受益于筛选。”

Screening usually involves the doctor asking you a set of standardized questions about whether you snore or are very tired and dragging through your days, followed by a formal sleep study in a lab.

接下来,谈论您的选择 - 这可能取决于您的睡眠问题的原因。“如果一个人没有打鼾的门槛重量,那么返回他或她的体重将减轻阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,”Fotinakes博士说。滴磅意味着口腔和喉咙的软组织较小,在夜晚的过程中干扰你的呼吸。


我f weightappear to be part of the reason that sleep apnea is happening, the doctor may offer options such as:

  • Positional therapy, which involves wearing a special device around the waist to help you sleep on your side rather than your back. The problem with sleeping on your back is that the tongue tends to relax back into your throat; sleeping on your side helps even out weight distribution.

  • 在晚上使用连续的正气道压力(CPAP)装置以保持气道开放。

  • Wearing a dental appliance to support your jaw to keep airways open during sleep.

“Sufficient sleep is square one when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle,” says Cralle. “Treat sleep as a vital sign. Always discuss sleep and sleep problems, and any daytime symptoms you may have—excessive sleepiness, irritability, changes in appetite, weight gain—with your healthcare provider.”


Lucy Maher是一名有成就的记者,通过创意讲故事将复杂的受众与思想联系起来的20年曲目记录。她的写作出现了The Wall Street Journal华盛顿邮报The Los Angeles TimesChicago Tribuneadweek.andFour Seasons Magazine,以及CNBC.com,Self.com,refinery29和Trulia.com等网站。她的品牌内容写作已代表许多品牌出现,包括全国房地产商协会,希尔顿酒店,Fitbit,Discover Card,Citizens Bank和Clinique。在建立她的自由职业生涯之前,她曾担任数字总监自我杂志那overseeing Editorial and Social Strategy, and Product, and managing a team of six editors and producers. Prior to that, she launched a 16-site sponsored content strategy as Executive Director at Hearst Digital Media, and oversaw print and digital lifestyle coverage as Executive Editor at Forbes Media. Additional staff roles included senior editor positions at People.com and女士们的家庭期刊