
经过Nicole Van Hoey, PharmD 健康专业人士



代谢综合征与新陈代谢有关,这只是我们的身体使用和储存来自食物的能量的方式。也称为综合征x,代谢综合征被发展为一个概念组的代谢问题这可以帮助识别人们心脏病发作或糖尿病的风险。在20世纪80年代,刚刚探索了重量,心脏健康和胰岛素反应之间的联系。从那以后,研究研究和专业团体 - 包括全国心脏,肺和血液研究所International Diabetes Federation- 提高了当今代谢综合征定义的措施及其含义。

A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome involves五个基本措施

  • waist circumference of 40 inches or more in men, 35 inches or more in women

  • HDL (“good”) cholesterol less than 40 mg/dL in men, less than 50 mg/dL in women

  • 高甘油三酯(胆固醇的一部分)150 mg / d1或更多

  • 高血压(数字)或130/85 mmHg或更多

  • Fasting glucose of 100 mg/dL or more

Needing medicine to reach normal cholesterol, blood pressure, or glucose levels also qualifies as a measure of metabolic syndrome.

Today, these measures are used more often during doctor visits to identify risks earlier and prevent---instead of treat---serious heart- and sugar-related diseases. When metabolic syndrome is diagnosed, the[心脏病的风险加倍],糖尿病风险增加五倍。




  • 年龄较大,作为新陈代谢的变化(例如,在围栏期间)

  • Lack of physical activity, particularly exercise that affects the heart rate

  • 基因,特别是因素决定您的身体类型以及额外卡路里作为脂肪存储的位置

  • 种族:西班牙裔美国原住民和非洲裔美国人群是由于遗传性状和生活方式因素的风险较高

  • High-fat diet that provides too few cholesterol-lowering fibers and whole grains

  • 药物,如抗精神病药物,改变身体的新陈代谢

  • 改变激素的条件,如多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)


If you are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, changing habits and sometimes taking medicines can stop and even reverse insulin resistance/pre-diabetes or cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis. Without treatment, metabolic syndrome symptoms lead not only to heart and diabetic conditions but also to problems that seem unrelated: sleep apnea, fatty liver, and even asthma.

与其他心脏病一样,代谢综合征用低盐,脂肪,不磨损的生活方式改善。心脏病患者可能更令人惊讶的是连接成精制碳水化合物和加入糖。Insulin resistance can lead to increased triglycerides, another metabolic syndrome marker, which in turn raises the risk of coronary heart disease, too.




Studies from 2008 throughtodaysupport interval training, specifically每周两次或三个这增加了心率,而不是每日较低强度锻炼。事实上,尽管燃烧了相同的卡路里,但代谢综合征的人更常见的症状更常见于较短的高强度训练而不是更长的锻炼。

学习更多关于HIIT(高强度间隔训练)or ask your doctor about reliable HIIT programs to try safely.

A healthy mindset, for a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome or any indicator of heart disease, is important, too. Realize that finding a problem early gives you the chance to turn around your risk of serious problems, like stroke or nerve damage, much sooner. Knowing your metabolic syndrome measures can be a great way to jumpstart healthy habits before any heart disease takes hold.

Nicole Van Hoey, PharmD

Nicole Van Hoey是一家自由撰稿人,为消费者和专业的健康出版物提供编辑。她于2016年8月接受了开放的心脏手术,并为健康中大海提供了包括心脏康复的经验。在Bloglovin.com/ @ Foodallergyry的心脏手术后,她可以在Twitter @Vhmedcomm和写作家庭生活中找到。