1.伸出援手寻求帮助。你不必单独经历这一点。如果您有朋友或家庭成员,并且在寻求医疗时可以陪伴您,请这样做。如果没有,你可以随时致电National Sexual Assault Hotlineat 800-656-HOPE (4653)and they can connect you to an advocate who can walk you through your options and offer support throughout the process of getting help. They may even be able to send someone to accompany you to the hospital. You also can find help near you or chat with someone anonymously atRainn的网站。If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 911.
“不要冲洗,不要洗澡,不要换衣服...因为[examiners]are going to be able to get more of the DNA evidence: stuff from your fingernails, swabs from the vagina, swabs from your mouth,” said Cheryl Iglesia, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., director of MedStar Washington Hospital Center’s Section of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery and a professor of gynecology and urology at the Georgetown University School of Medicine.
并非所有医疗机构都有员工培训,为遭受性侵犯的人提供护理,因此寻求从性侵犯护士审查员(理智)的护理是理想的,Iglesia博士告诉Healthcentral。一种Sane.is a registered nurse who has been specially trained to care for sexual assault victims, which also means they can perform a forensic exam and provide expert testimony if a case goes to trial.
“如果你在大学校园里,你第二天就不会去你的健康诊所。你实际上要去急诊室,“Iglesia博士说。“某处[with]人其实是性侵犯护士穰miner who has been certified to do these exams and collect the kits properly and conduct a prior history without using words or documentation that could hurt a case.”
你越早到达医疗设施,更好 - 特别是如果你后来决定起诉。在该国的一些地区,性侵犯的证据必须收集在攻击的72小时内。在其他领域,证据可以在5天或1周之后收集。