Intraocular (Uveal) Melanoma: What You Need to Know

经过Eileen Bailey 卫生师

Melanoma通常是与皮肤有关,但术语黑素瘤本身是指在称为黑色细胞的颜料细胞中发展的癌症。这些细胞主要在皮肤中发现,但也在身体的其他区域,如眼睛的中间层,内耳,骨骼和心脏。当癌症开始在中眼中的黑素细胞细胞中,称为UVEA时,它被称为intraocular, or uveal, melanoma。根据2017年研究,这也是一种罕见的癌症,但它也是眼睛中最常见的眼睛,占所有黑色素瘤的3%和5%之间,“Uveal melanoma: epidemiology, etiology, and treatment of primary disease。"

The Middle Eye

The middle eye is made up of three layers:

  • The iris is the colored area at the front of the eye.

  • 睫状体是负责改变瞳孔尺寸和透镜形状的组织环。它位于虹膜后面。

  • The choroid are blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to the eye.


Warning Signs and Symptoms

根据American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)。They might be diagnosed during a routine eye exam or an eye doctor might recommend they see a specialist because of potential signs of cancer. TheNational Cancer Institutelists some of the warning signs as:

  • 模糊的视野

  • 虹膜上的黑斑

  • 漂浮物, which are spots that drift into your field of vision

  • 闪光灯

  • 改变你学生的大小或形状

  • 在眼部插座中的眼球位置的变化


每年诊断约2,500例心脏癌新病例。以前认为它是由过度造成的sun exposure; research has not found a direct link to support that, although those with fair skin and blue eyes are most at risk, according to theOcular Melanoma Foundation。确切的原因尚未理解。


根据的情况Ocular Melanoma Foundation。使用的一些测试包括:

  • 与扩张的学生的眼科考试允许医生通过镜头和瞳孔向视网膜看

  • 超声的眼睛

  • High resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy

  • 地球和虹膜的过敏

  • 吲哚菁绿色血管造影

  • 眼睛相干断层扫描

  • 眼内肿瘤被描述为小,中等或大。

  • 小表明肿瘤的直径为5至16mm,厚1-3毫米。

  • 培养基表明肿瘤的直径为16mm,厚度为3.1至8mm。

  • 大表明肿瘤的任何直径或大于16mm的直径,至少2mm厚。

A biopsy is rarely needed and can cause complications. Biopsies can sometimes result in retinal detachment, which is corrected by surgery. If you are diagnosed with intraocular melanoma, your doctor may request additional tests to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.



根据National Cancer Institute。根据肿瘤的大小,你的医生will remove the tumor and surrounding tissue, which can include the eye and part of the optic nerve or the eye, eyelid, muscles, nerves, and fat in the eye socket.


  • 放射疗法,使用辐射杀死癌细胞

  • 光凝块,也称为轻凝固,它使用激光来破坏将营养患者带到肿瘤的血管

  • 热疗,它使用激光的热量来破坏癌细胞




Eileen Bailey

Eileen Bailey是一个屡获殊荣的六本关于健康和育儿主题和自由作家的屡获殊荣的作家,专门从事卫生主题,包括ADHD,焦虑,性健康,护肤,牛皮癣和皮肤癌。她的愿望是为读者提供有关健康状况的相关和实用信息,以帮助他们对其医疗保健做出明智的决定。