What to Expect After Taking Emergency Contraception

by艾琳贝利 Health Writer

Realizing that you有风险的意外怀孕是一种可怕的经历。导致你下一个时期的时间可以充满焦虑和担忧。谢天谢地,紧急避孕, sometimes referred to as the morning after pill, dramatically reduces the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy — especially if taken shortly after unprotected sex.


Emergency contraception helps prevent unplanned pregnancies. Reasons you might use emergency birth control include:


What choices are available for emergency contraceptive pills?

There arethree typesof emergency birth control pills available in the United States:

  1. Progestin only:这些药丸只包含激素孕激素。它们以名称计划B一步,下一个选择一剂,采取行动,方式等等。它可以在任何年龄的任何年龄中都可以通过柜台。

  2. Ulipristal acetate:另一种选择是含有尿醋酸稀乙酸盐的药丸。它在美国的名称下销售,只能通过处方提供。

  3. Progestin plus estrogen:Combined hormonal pills contain both progestin and estrogen — these are the typical daily birth control pills that you can get by prescription. Find out more about which brands can be used as emergency contraception, and how, from theOffice of Population Research at Princeton University

No matter which option you choose, it should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex.计划B一步表明它应该在性交后72小时内拍摄;ella应该在120小时内拍摄。但你越早拿它,它有效的机会更好。

When will you get your next period?

You may experience someirregularities with your periodafter taking emergency contraception, but you should have a normal period within the following month, according to the普林斯顿大学的紧急避孕

When your period arrives may be related to when you took the emergency contraceptive pill. Generally, women started their periods a day earlier when they used emergency contraception more than two days before ovulation, and their periods were two days later than expected when they took the pills more than two days after ovulation, according to astudy completed at Princeton。Because taking the emergency contraceptive pill does not guarantee that you won’t get pregnant, you should take apregnancy testif your period is more than a week late.

You may also注意一些发现after taking the medication and before your next period. You might notice that your first period is lighter or heavier than normal. This should resolve by the following month.


据此,最常见的副作用普林斯顿大学, include:

  • Nausea.

  • Abdominal cramps.

  • 疲劳。

  • Headache.

  • 头晕。

  • Breast tenderness.


Eating small meals, using easily digestible foods, and avoiding dehydration can help, but often the nausea is unavoidable. Medications that help reduce nausea can be given either before nausea develops or to treat nausea. The nausea tends not to last very long, and most women feel better by the next day.

When to see a doctor

  • If you vomit within two hours of taking the medication.

  • If your period is more than one week late.

  • If you experience severe abdominal pain.


Another form of emergency contraception is thecopper intrauterine device (IUD)。If inserted within five days of unprotected sex, it can prevent pregnancy, according to theAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists。额外的好处是它会提供10 years of long-term birth control.

Meet Our Writer

艾琳贝利is an award-winning author of six books on health and parenting topics and freelance writer specializing in health topics including ADHD, Anxiety, Sexual Health, Skin Care, Psoriasis and Skin Cancer. Her wish is to provide readers with relevant and practical information on health conditions to help them make informed decisions regarding their health care.